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Topic 3 2015, Page 7

How do you develop your authentic online professional profile?

Above Image taken from 28 Reasons Why Everyone Needs Personal Branding (Jill Celeste, 2014) Via Jill Celeste With an authentic online professional profile, does it mean to be about having single or multiple digital identities? I believe that as long as we know what we are doing online, we can keep our online profile professional. Online professional profile can be drilled down to self-branding. Continue reading →

Profiling: Who are you online?

Advancement of technology is gaining importance, thus creating a proper online profile would be appropriate and may help you better in your job search these days. Companies now are turning to the internet to find out more about their potential employees before deciding on who they should hire. Therefore, if you have a solid professional profile online, the chances of you getting selected will be higher. Continue reading →

Pay attention to my profile, PLEASE!!

Source: Tumblr As we all get older, entrance into the ‘Real World’ is drawing closer. Which means our social media habits have to be changed, adapted and reflected. Instead of bombing our Facebook newsfeed with Friday’s party pictures, we start to dedicate time in maintaining our LinkedIn profiles. Profiles can be easily created, but the question is how can we make our online profiles stand out amongst the billions of people on the web? “Your personal online branding is very important. Continue reading →

Topic 3 –

(Credits: Google)  What’s professional to you? Some might say it’s about having the key qualities, others might say it’s about being experienced, skillful and knowledgeable. (Credits: Infographic) Having a professional profile is part of self-branding. It is a way to market yourself into the industry and making yourself known. Statistics has shown that 92% of the companies use social media (eg. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) to recruit. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Developing an authentic online professional profile

Discuss the ways which an authentic online professional profile can be developed.Due to globalisation, competition among companies are more intense, hence, they want to source for the best talents. Companies noticed that recruiting the right people is the key to success. To achieve that, companies look for talents online to reach out to more potential candidates globally. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Developing an authentic online professional profile

Discuss the ways which an authentic online professional profile can be developed.Due to globalisation, competition among companies are more intense, hence, they want to source for the best talents. Companies noticed that recruiting the right people is the key to success. To achieve that, companies look for talents online to reach out to more potential candidates globally. Continue reading →