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Topic 3 2015, Page 9

Topic 3 – Discuss the ways in which an authentic online professional profile can be developed.

An online professional profile is a way of self-promotion and personal branding. It is also part of our sales and marketing toolkit. What is self-promotion? The web define self-promotion as: To publicize oneself in today’s digital age, the old fashion referral and interview is just not effective enough. We need to use the Internet to reach out to people and get noticed. Social networking platform allow us the chance to market our personal brand and reach out to managers. Continue reading →

Do You Think Employers Would Be Impressed With Your Profile?

Q: Discuss the ways in which an authentic online professional profile can be developed Source Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel. What first comes to your mind when you think of her? Definitely trendsetter, don’t forget perseverance, self-motivation, creativity and independence. This is the branding she has given herself. [1] And that is what we need to do – brand ourselves professionally online. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Creating Online Profile 101

Getting a job now in this era isn’t all about your background, education or work experiences. According to a Social Recruiting Survey, 73% of the companies are hiring through social media and 55% of the companies has reconsidered candidates based on their social media profile. If you are interested in learning how to attract recruiters here is Creating your Authentic Online Professional Profile 101 Step 1: Being honest To have an authentic profile, you need to be truthful and genuine. Continue reading →

If I were an employer, would i hire myself?

  Qn. Discuss the ways in which an authentic online professional profile can be developed. If I were an employer, would I hire myself? While reading articles and watching videos on how I can boost my online identity, I had this question at the back of my head; what do I want my employer to see when he Googles me? If I were an employer, I would look for someone with a decent profile picture. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Developing an Online Professional Profile

Source The days of traditional profiling may be coming to an end with the rise of social networking. If you’re still using Microsoft Word to draft out your resume, you might want to consider switching to having an online professional profile. Just like a resume, a digital profile is what defines you when potential employers and recruiters are scouring for candidates online. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Authentic Online Professional Profile

Source: Today, there are already 73% of recruiters hiring a candidate through social media and 93% of recruiters review a candidate’s social profile before making a hiring decision. If you are looking for a job in digital media but do not have any online profiles, it would be a disadvantage. I would like to touch on a few points Njeri Watkins mentioned. Defining Professional Identity In my opinion, self-branding is the first step in developing a professional identity. Continue reading →

Topic 3: developing your online professional profile

Please read these notes and check out the links, before preparing and posting your answer to the set question. This document should be regarded as just the start of the discussion, which we all then develop over the next two days through the conversations themselves and the sharing of further relevant links. It is intended to give you a flavour of the challenges and opportunities in managing your professional online identity, and get you started on answering the Topic 3 set question below. Continue reading →