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2015, Page 44

Digital: Are you visiting or residing?

In this 21st century, technology has become a norm for almost everyone. When you go out on the streets, majority of the public could be spotted holding a smartphone that allows them to connect to the digital easily. If you step into Starbucks or other cafes, you can spot many people busily tapping away on their laptops. There is actually two different category that groups the different types of people who uses technology. Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants. Continue reading →


Question: Explain the concept of digital “visitors” and “residents” drawing upon your reading and your own online experiences to date in support of the points that you make.​InsightTechnology has been used heavily in learning and to ease processes at places at work hence the use of technology hence both digital natives and immigrants at some point in their lives have to use/come in contact heavily with technology. Continue reading →

#MANG2049 Review of Day 3

The link to the #hangout3 recording is here At this point you should have done your first topic 1 post (deadline midnight) and completed your reflective summary post (containing the links to your two comments on the work of others) by midnight on 2/11. As I mentioned in the hangout, please check out this information about crediting images See you all on Monday for #hangout4 and have a lovely weekend :-) Feel free to tweet any questions before then. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Digital ‘Visitors’ and ‘Residents’

Prensky’s generalization of digital natives and immigrants neglects the less interested and less abled crowd as it overlooks the potential impact of socio-economic and cultural factors. Developing countries may not have the luxury of technology or some countries might not like the idea of digital world just yet. Some learners may acquire technological skills quickly while others will struggle, regardless of age, like myself. Continue reading →

Who are you in the virtual world? Digital Visitors,Residents or maybe even both?

I find the concept of digital “visitors” and “residents” very interesting after reading a few articles on it. It got me thinking of who I am when I’m on the web. First of all, let me give a explanation of the concept behind digital “visitors” and “resident”.This concept is actually derived from the Prensky’s typologies on digital natives and immigrants.For Prensky’s typologies is very much based on how web savvy a person is based on their age. Continue reading →

Digital Native & Immigrant to Visitor & Resident

  Source taken from: Prensky’s article talks about the connection between computer competency and age. Which talks about how Digital Native and Digital Immigrant are being segregated. In context, Digital Native are people that are born into the digital generation where technology revolves around them. However, not everyone are fortunate to have access to it. Continue reading →

Topic 1 – Digital “Visitors” and Digital “Residents”

Who is digital visitors? Who is digital residents? What do they do and why digital? This blog-post will explain the two different concepts. The term resident means residing at a place which briefly also explains the term digital residents they “resides” online. Spending most of their time creating multiple identities for different communities online, as they have different image to portray to each community. Continue reading →