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2015, Page 43

Digital Visitors & Residents

The theory of Digital Visitors and Residents was hypothesized by David S. White and Alison Le Cornu (2011) as an alternative model to Marc Prensky’s (2001) scaffold of Digital Natives and Immigrants. Prensky argued that there was an association between technology, technical skills, and age. Generally, the younger demographics that grew up during the internet age are known as Natives while the older demographics that grew up prior to that age are known as Immigrants. Continue reading →

Topic 1 – “Digital Visitors” VS “Digital Resident”

Even without any knowledge of the framework, we know the definitions of the following terms: Visitor: A person who act on seeing something for a specific purpose. Resident: A person who lives in an area on a long-term basis. This tells us that a Digital Visitor spends little time online, and has an agenda for it. They are not bothered to create a presence on the Internet. Continue reading →

Digital ‘Visitors’ VS ‘Residents’

The above video clip prefaces the reasons behind development of Digital ‘Visitors’ and ‘Residents’ theory (White, Visitors and Residents, 2014) In the recent years, the theory of “Digital Natives and Immigrants” theory has gained suspicion in its validity in terms of technology engagement of the web. Many studies have shown that it is not evident that younger students pick up skills faster. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Digital “Visitors” vs Digital “Residents”

“I grew up in a physical world, and I speak English. The next generation is growing up in a digital world, and they speak social.”  – Angela Ahrendts In this post, I would be analyzing about the difference between Digital “Visitors” and Digital “Residents”. Digital “Visitors” gives me the impression that they are people from the older generation who were not born into the digital world. They grew up learning everything physically without the help of technology. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Digital “Visitors” and Digital “Residents”

The notion of ‘digital natives’ (young people who have grown up in the digital world and hence are expert users of technology) is often contrasted in the popular press with ‘digital immigrants’ (older people who struggle to master these new norms and behaviours). Digging a little deeper, however, tends to show that there is both expertise (and lack of it) at all age groups. Continue reading →

Visitor? Resident?

Internet The past 20 years has seen an increasing use of the internet and accompanying software. This is an inescapable fact as globalisation continues and the world keeps getting smaller. Digital literacy is a skill that most of us need to be at adept at in order to keep pace with the rest of the world. Businesses, schools, social circles etc have now seen a transference of their presence and means of interaction into cyberspace. Visitor and Resident White, D. S., & Cornu, A. L. Continue reading →

A Visitor? A Resident? or An Alien?

According to Dave White’s article on Visitors and Residents: A new typology for online engagement proves that it’s not age or generation but a different form of motivation. He comes by saying that people are either ‘Visitors’ or ‘Residents’ of the Internet. But first let us clarify the difference between “Visitors” and “Residents” Source: Continue reading →

Topic 1

Digital Residents & Visitors Many of us Millenials make up a large percentage of what is typically defined as a digital “resident” – we spend the most part of our day online without even batting an eyelid. They practically “live” online. The first thing that many of us do when we wake up it to check our mobile phones. We connect with friends, get updates on areas of interest, and read the news online during those first few minutes of our day. Continue reading →