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Topic 3, Page 3

Key Takeaways: So are you a true professional?

(FunFilms,2014) Previously, I discussed various ways toĀ develop an authentic online professional profile as well as the importance of authenticity. After reading through a few other posts, I am glad that some of my classmates share the same sentiments as me onĀ certain aspects. EvelinaĀ had an interesting concept of comparing the lack on a digital profile to someone “without a passport and an identity” (Evelina,2014). Continue reading →

Nothing good ever comes easy.. What I have learnt from Topic 3

After reading so many articles, my views have definitely changed compared to when I first blogged about maintaining an online profile Jeanneā€™s post gave me useful tips on how to make a concise and impactful introduction about myself. Her emphasis on pitching the unique skills and experiences will be helpful in differentiating an individualā€™s profile from others. She also highlighted that choosing pictures that reflect yourselves help make the profile authentic. Continue reading →

3.0 A Reflection Summary: Building Your Professional Digital Profile

This topic has got me thinking on my feet on how to make my digital profile better and more attractive for employers. It has spurred me to think further on how to market myself with “authenticity”. A big take away from this topic is the use ofĀ a LinkedIn account. I personally do not own a LinkedIn because I feel that I do not need it much now and its a hassle to create a profile. Continue reading →


Most of the peers have mentioned about the benefitsĀ of having a social media account such as LinkedIn to assist them in the career path. This explains how essential social media are in this 21st century. Many of them have also come up with certain key points that I did not manage to point out in my post. Therefore, it helps to add on to my knowledge on this topic. In Yu Ting’s post, she pointed out that it is crucial for us to know how we want to brand ourselves. Continue reading →

Looking Back

This topic has led me to understand more about the social media and its influence in the working world. My understanding was further enhanced with the various readings of my classmates. I felt that Patricia‘s post wasĀ a good reminder of having an online professional profileĀ as anyone could land their dream jobs even when they are asleep. However, for everything that sounds hard to believe, there are its own cons as well. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflection

Notice the very old macbook and ipod..? Hello once again everybody. Initially, I felt online profiles were only for the creative people who needed a portfolio. Especially those who do freelance work. But after reading so many post and commenting on Patricia’s and Yu Ting’s blogs. I realised that an online professional account is more than that. An online professional account is an extension of your resume. Continue reading →

Topic 3 Reflection

Credits: qtpham1992 via: ebayĀ  This topic has led me to have a better understanding of what are some of the key ideas to create our online professional profiles and how to make them stand out. Amongst the myriad of social media sites, LinkedIn and Twitter still prove to be the most popular for networking purposes. My interest in these two platforms had certainly been ignited as a result of this module. Continue reading →

The Blurred Lines Between Professional and Personal Profiles

Professional – relating to a job that requires special education, training, or skill. What is a professional digital profile? Is it like a resume? Yes and no. Tombrakos(2012) believes that digital profiles are becoming the first non-physical contact point that potential employers have with you and slowly decreasing the usefulness of resumes. She explains that they should be a reflection of us; in terms of past achievements and plans for the future. Continue reading →