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Topic 3, Page 2

Topic 3: Reflective Summary

After go through my peers posts, and discuss with them, I have to say it is fun to have social media around. Anyway, I get several points to summarize the whole topic. First, I talked about 47 percent of employers will check you out after receive your resume. 15 percent of chance they will check you inside out if they want to hire you. So, you see, you have to build a Linkedin profile professional and keep your twitter relatively under control. Continue reading →

Reflection: Personal Branding — your career insurance.

ResumĂ© from Giphy I am so glad to have read through my peer’s blog about developing an authentic digital profile, the tips given were very helpful! In my opinion, what defines an authentic online profile would be personal branding. Winnie commented that personal branding on social media platform can only do so much for us. Nobody can see us behind the computer screen, it’s easy for us to ‘talk the talk’ online. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflective Summary

Be authentic and consistent. This is what I have learnt after reading through most of my classmates’ post. I couldn’t agree more. I believe that by being authentic, you are able to listen to yourself, be aware of how far your strengths can take you and how you can play your weaknesses as a form of good flaw. Throughout the whole post, Ruhuan emphasise on being consistent when it comes to posing content that is in line with who you are. Continue reading →

Reflection 3! – Building an authentic, online profile

It has been interesting to learn from my peers how one can build an authentic online profile! Since I took an example of an online figure to explain the previous post, there are some interesting points from the rest that built the thinking further. Almost everyone agrees that online portfolio such as LinkedIn is necessary. Xiuzhen has pointed out extensively on the importance of such online platform that owning one has become more of a criteria to your employer rather than a bonus. Continue reading →

Mirror, Mirror on the wall

Photo credit: Ian Sane via Flickr This topic on creating an authentic professional profile really got me thinking, what constitutes to being “authentic”? Is there a real need to include everything you are on your profile? Or is everything just selective? And how do we control our image? Ruhuan’s comment on Lady Gaga’s image not appealing to everyone made me realise that everything we do is a gamble. Continue reading →

Apart from Credibility…

Creativity and credibility plays an important role.  I still choose to standby this statement above when it comes to creating a professional profile on the web. However, after reading some of my classmates viewpoint, I came to realize that there are still other ways that can be of great help when one is creating a portfolio online for their prospective employers. Consistency is IMPORTANT Like what Charmaine had mentioned, being consistent is very important. Continue reading →

Final Thoughts on Having An Authentic Online Profile

Credits: As compared to the previous two reflection summaries, this time I have taken more time to read through more classmates’ posts about online professional profiling. Quite a huge span of them has mentioned about the ways of developing professional online profile, mine was not an exception as well. Also, a number of them have actually mentioned about online profiles replacing resumes in the employer recruitment process. Continue reading →

Let’s recall

Through Topic 3, I learnt the power of building Authentic Digital Profiles. We are always striving to keep up to change and challenges. As a marketer, you want to identify trends before your competitors do. As an individual, you want to find success in life. Indeed, times are changing and as Charmaine highlighted the possibility of digital profiles overtaking traditional resumes. I recalled learning in our HRM Module that employers take roughly 20 seconds to screen a resume. Continue reading →

LindekIn vs Blog?

Image from Giphy  Further exploring into the topic, after reading my peers’ thoughts and comments, I feel like I have gotten a broader insight on the topic and some new ideas on other ways to create an authentic professional online profile. Similarly from the research that i had done and like many other of my peers’, LinkedIn came out as the top platform to portray your professional profile online, as it is the biggest business networking platform. Continue reading →

The true concept of “Authenticity”

The development of an “authentic” online professional profile is multi-dimensional. Most of the ideas that were shared among my peers were pretty insightful. Some details of the development of the “authenticity” aspect were discussed in specifics. While others, took a rather broad approach on the subject. I was intrigued by some of the analogies introduced by my peers. Continue reading →