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Types of Paywall | Inevitable

Image from Giphy After reading most of my peers’ posts, there was a unanimous decision that online material would benefit society and users if it were free online. However, taking this into consideration, whether it is the public or individuals, there will most likely be a party, which has to pay for the materials in order for it to be available. Continue reading →

Open Access | Paywall

Check Out My Video/ Slide Show :) The Internet has become an indispensable tool for communication and coordination, yet the debate of Open Access (OA), free for all and holding back innovation is ever rife. While the purposes OA is to allow one to read a publication over the Internet, print it and further develop and/or distrbute the findings without any restrictions (Björk, 2004). Continue reading →

Freedom of Speech | Ethical Issues

(Hawking, 2014) Evolving social attitudes along with the advancement of technology have since transform social media original intention for ‘social’ use into a multi-use tool for individuals, businesses and educational purposes. In today’s post, I will be focusing on the ethical issues raised by business use of social media. There is a plethora of ethical concerns for businesses when it comes to social media. Continue reading →

LindekIn vs Blog?

Image from Giphy  Further exploring into the topic, after reading my peers’ thoughts and comments, I feel like I have gotten a broader insight on the topic and some new ideas on other ways to create an authentic professional online profile. Similarly from the research that i had done and like many other of my peers’, LinkedIn came out as the top platform to portray your professional profile online, as it is the biggest business networking platform. Continue reading →

The Brand Called “You”

Image from Adweek “Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.” – Malcolm Forbes With the impact of digital world, even recruitment is making a shift towards the online network. This could be supported with evidence as shown in this infographic by Staff that 92% of companies use or plan to use social media in their employee search. Continue reading →

Go Forth and Multiply

In my previous post for topic 2, I briefly explored the positive and negative aspects of anonymity online and concluded that multiple identities was necessary for one who wishes to pursue a career whilst maintaining a personal social online presence. Further exploring into the topic, after reading my peers’ thoughts and comments, I should learn to be more open with the sharing of information and allowing my employer to have a glimpse of my personal life too. Continue reading →

Multiple Online Identities | Good or Bad?

The term “Online Identity” refers to a broad spectrum of online behaviours that stretches from online transaction which requires your authentication of your identity (e.g. Internet banking), to our online persona that are made visible through selective acts of self-disclosure, such as writing a blog or sharing our Facebook profile. (Warburton, 2010) Multiple online identities allow one to effectively target their intended audience. Continue reading →