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Topic 2, Page 3

Key Takeaways: For or against?

After reading through a couple of my peers’ posts, I realised that there is no right or wrong answer as to whether one should have one or more than one identity. It all boils down to every individual and the extent that they are comfortable with sharing their information online. What I like about Tor’s post is that he managed to point out that many people these days create multiple identities as it allows them to be more honest about their opinions. Continue reading →

2.0 A Reflection Summary : One or more Online Identities?

I have enjoyed reading most of my peers’ blog post and it somehow changes my perception at the beginning… From Evan’s post, he mentioned about security issues which brings me back to the question I posted for him. Does security question helps in online verification? According to a report by Rosen, R.J., 2012, Security Questions were ‘The Biggest Joke’ in Online Identity Verification. Well… Apple was the Joke. Continue reading →

Reflection: Identity Crisis in Cyberspace

Security camera from giphy Finally a topic where we are able to present contrasting opinions! I’d like to highlight Evan’s use of The Little Red Riding Hood analogy. It holds true for the digital age we are in today where all of us have the liberty to take on any form online – real identity or anonymous identity where each has their own implications. Continue reading →

Reflection 2! – Multiple online identities

Howdy there! After reading some of my course-mates posts regarding to online identities, I found that they mostly do not find having multiple identities necessarily a bad thing. It is especially beneficial in the area of segregating personal and private life online. Yiming believes employees shouldn’t be judged by their social media photos as it’s their work competency that counts. Continue reading →

Time for some bed time reflection

Time for bed time reflection! So here’s mine. It is crucial that we post information about ourselves appropriately and selectively. Like what Angie mentioned, we might use the internet with positive intentions but others might think otherwise. In addition, our future employees are screening us through social media thus we need to be cautious of the data we give away as neither Google nor Facebook forgets what we posts. Continue reading →

Reflection Summary on Topic 2

Learning without reflection is a waste, reflection without learning is dangerous – Confucius Photo Credit: Francisco Martins I enjoyed reading my peers’ blogpost on Topic 2. Always glad I can gain more perspectives and learn more! I really like Ebrahim‘s view on people doing what they are doing online for ‘likes’ because it is relatable and true. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflective summary

The argument for and against having multiple online identities and thus the degree of anonymity a person should have is one that can never fully have a one-size-fits-all answer. It depends from country to country, city to city. The fabrics of each society are different and thus the degree of anonymity that each society is comfortable with would also differ. It all depends on the context. Continue reading →

Do you know?

Picture by Daphne Are you aware? Most of us have multiple online identities and are all presented and defined by how we portrayed ourselves online through internet forums, online chat, massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), social networking sites, etc. First thing first, Evaluate the reliability. Reliability plays a big part while safety and security has remained one of the biggest issue in the digital environment. Continue reading →

Who are you, exactly?

photo credit: Jason A. Howie via photopin cc I’d like to make a bold assumption that most of you reading this post has at least 1 social media account. Question is, for each platform, do you only have 1 identity, or multiple?   Having two identities for yourself is an example of a lack of integrity. Continue reading →