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Who are we in the digital world?

  A digital visitor, as the word ‘visits’ suggest, an individual that simply comes and go. They go on the Internet only if they have a need such as searching for certain information on Google. They do not have a long term presence and certainly leave little or no trace online. As opposed to a Visitor, a Digital Resident ‘lives’ or ‘resides’ on the web. To an extent where a majority of their life is exposed and happening on the web. Continue reading →

“Digital Visitors” and “Digital Residents”

Explain the concept of digital “visitors” and “residents” drawing upon your reading and your own online experiences to date in support of the points that you make. The concept of Digital “Residents” and Digital “Visitors” was developed in order to identify people in regards to their online presence as an improvement to replace the outdated concept of Prensky’s digital “Natives” and “Immigrants” that make assumption based on age. Continue reading →

A new typology, or a modernized concept of the old?

The concept of digital “visitors” and “residents” is believed to be an update of the concept of “digital natives and immigrants” introduced by Prensky (2001). A ‘replacement’ as described by David S. White and Alison Le Cornu (2011), would very much suggest that Prensky’s work was absolutely redundant. Although the much-criticized work by Prensky was even questioned by Prensky himself in 2009, there is some validity in his work, to be more precised, at his point of time. Continue reading →

What am I?

Who am I? Or what am I? Don’t worry, I’m not suffering from memory loss. I was just trying to figure out whether I’m a digital resident or a digital visitor. But first, what those terms? Digital residents David White’s view is that a resident is someone who spends a long amount of time engrossed on the net. They blog, tweet, post many moments of their life on social media like Instagram and Twitter. Continue reading →


From the above video (White, D. 2013), Mr Dave White described digital visitors as those who ‘leave no trace’. On the flipside, digital residents are those who ‘live’ online. Digital visitors are people who use the net as an aid in achieving certain goals. Basically, these visitors search for what they need from the net, such as researching for articles. Once they are done with it, they would leave without leaving any trail. Continue reading →

Topic 1 – Visitors, Residents And Me

Visitors are essentially people who go online, do whatever they need to do and go off. They come and go as they please and leave little to no trace.  As a result they usually have got little to no social persona online. Residents are people who live out a portion of their life online.  They have a form of their identity, which stays out there online even when they log off. Continue reading →

Topic 1: “Visitors” and “Residents”

“Visitors” and “Residents” have different concepts. Both parties use Internet but factors like frequency, duration, objectives of usage vary among them. “Visitors” “Visitors” treat Internet as a tool to obtain any necessary information that they require. (White & Le Cornu, 2011 – Reference 1) They only visit the web to collect information required or to get certain procedures done. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Digital Visitors and Residents

In my view, a digital visitor is someone who use the web for a specific purpose only when the need arises. Typically, their movement around the web are mostly revolved to activities that have a specific outcome or benefits for them (for e.g searching for information they want, perform a transaction, etc). As described by (White, 2008), a digital visitor logs on to perform a specific task and logs off. Continue reading →