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Visitor? Resident? Reflection!

Someone with social media account(s) = Digital Resident? Someone without social media account = Digital Visitor? How can we clearly define if one is a resident or visitor? Using the amount of time they spend on the Internet? Using the things the do while surfing the web? Using their reliance to the Internet as a gauge? Till now, there are many viewpoints with regards to the digital world. We can’t have a precise answer of who’s right and who’s wrong. Continue reading →

A new age of “Digital Residents”?

Digital visitors are individuals who use the internet only when needed. They go online with the intention of completing tasks and do not maintain an online profile. To digital visitors, the internet is not a necessity and is just another tool for completing tasks. Other mediums would be just as good as using the internet. For example, if a person’s aim is to book a hotel, making a booking through the telephone hotline or using the internet has not much differences. Continue reading →

In the Digital world, are you a Resident or Visitor?

“Digital Natives” are a generation that has grown up in the digital age using technology devices such as computers, video cams, cell phones. The ease with the use of technology can be compared to a native’s comfort with their mother language. They are proficient at interacting with technology and often rely on it to access information. “Digital Immigrants”, those born before 1980 are not effortlessly proficient in modern technology. Continue reading →

More than Digital “Residents” and “Digital “Visitors”?

So fast. The world is changing so fast that we no longer identify and classify digital users and members based on demographic factors but based on the way they engage in the digital world. Are u a “digital “visitor” or a digital “resident”? Realising the fact that different people have different needs, it is suggested that digital “visitors” go online with a defined motive and wish to be aided and benefited in achieving their goal. Continue reading →

Topic 1: “Digital Visitors” and “Digital Residents”

Marc Prensky developed an idea of “digital natives” and “digital immigrants” in 2001.[1] “Digital natives” are people who grow up with technology, and highly adapt to technology. “Digital immigrants” are people who born in baby boomers and generation x, y etc. These people are not that technology-savvy, but some digital immigrants surpass natives by learning and adopting like studying a new language. Continue reading →

Permanent Resident & Citizen?! Visitor & Resident?! What?!

What does a visitor means? How about a resident? has the answer! A visitor represents a person who visits, as for reasons of friendship, business, duty,travel, or the like. A resident represents a person who stays in a place. So, what about a digital ‘visitor’ and a digital ‘resident’? David White feels that a digital ‘visitor’ is one who sees the web as an tool to do their necessary research, just to get things done. Continue reading →

Visitor? Resident?

“Do you have a facebook account? Do you have an instagram account? Do you have a twitter account? Do you have a YouTube account?” If yes, are we then considered a digital resident? How do we define a “digital visitor” and a “digital resident”? Digital Visitor: “Someone who understands the Web as akin to an untidy garden tool shed. Continue reading →