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Topic 1 : A practical example to digital Residents and Visitors

The concept of digital “Visitors” and “Residents” have been explained in different ways in different academic papers. What I aim to do is to put this into practical examples by taking two different individuals that live different lifestyles to distinguish between these terms. Casey Neistat an influential “Youtuber” and one of the founders of the social media network Beme built a career on the internet with the help of different tools that is available. Continue reading →

Self Reflection

This is the reflection that is based on the self test to start the module. The answers given in the test was all based on general knowledge without any prior knowledge of the module. I am someone who accesses a lot of content online mostly for the purpose of self awareness and inspiration for some of the design work that I do.Most of the content I access are usually bookmarked into categories so it is easier for me to go through it when I need to. Continue reading →