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Visitors and Residents, what define them ?

Visitors see the internet as a box of tool to achieve their goal. They didn’t leave any trace of their appearance, such as expression of opinions or having any ‘digital identity’. It is not because they are not technically adapted but they are more focused. It could be the individual have a great network offline that they did not need any additional online community. Visitors act based on their goal is to solve their problem so they will chose the appropriate tool and sign off. Continue reading →

Me on the internet

Starting my #MANG2049 module which living and working on the web by 28 October. Feels excited to do my first online module. To begin with, my first task is to write post about self reflection regarding my online behaviour and priorities.  My reflection on this would be based on seven core given by Dr. Lissa 1.Accessing, managing and evaluating online information : ✰✰ Most of the time i am not having a problem with accessing and managing online information. Continue reading →