Metals, Synthetic Biology & C1 Gas Scoping Workshop – 12-13 Nov 15 – Canterbury

The cellular ‘circuitry’ that supplies metals to enzymes is a target for Synthetic Biology. Nearly a half of the enzymes in the protein databank contain metals at their active sites.  Most of these enzymes will bind wrong metals more tightly than the ones needed for activity.  Cell have ‘circuits’ (metallochaperones, metal-importers, -exporters, -sensors, storage proteins, cofactor-assembly pathways) to assist enzyme metalation. There is opportunity to manipulate these circuits to optimise the activities of enzymes in industrial biotechnology and to design novel bio-metallic cofactors. Key enzymes required for the utilisation of C1-gases have especially diverse (exotic) metal demands: The Ni-containing tetrapyrrole F430 in methyl CoM reductase, Cu or Fe in different methane monoxygenases, Co in vitamin B12 associated with various methyl donors enzymes, Fe and Ni hydrogenases, as just a few exemplars. This joint event has been organised by the Metals in Biology and C1net BBSRC NIBB to explore synergy and the scope for joint research.

Registration If you would like to attend this event please get in touch with Charlotte Harrison (email below) ASAP as there are a limited number of places which includes overnight accommodation:

Further information is on the on this flyer: Synthetic Biology Event

This is a joint event between Metals in Biology and C1 Net.

Metals related Antimicrobials event – 26-27 November 15 – Durham

Among the candidates for new antimicrobials are metals (see Nature “Bacterial arms race revs up” 402-403, May 2015), chelants, ionophores and agents that interfere with the metal-handling systems of microbes and hosts. This event will highlight advances in understanding the metal-handling systems of microbes, nutritional immunity and why metals are a microbial “Achilles heel”.  Examples of ongoing research involving Academia and Industry will be presented but the purpose of the event is to identify new opportunities for Innovation, to initiate collaborations and to understand potential implications of policy regulations. See the flyer: Metal-related antimicrobials event

Registration If you would like to attend this event, please get in touch (email below) ASAP – especially if you want to attend the second day as there are a limited number of places which includes overnight accommodation:

Eco-Bio 2016 – Beurs World Trade Centre, Rotterdam – 6-9 Mar 16

There are a wide variety of topic areas, including those from industrial and environmental biotechnology, as well as sustainability and research in the bio-based economy.

With fossil fuels becoming more and more limited and global change having unmistakable effects on our everyday lives, working toward a suitable future for both humans and all ecosystems of the world becomes essential.

Biobased Economy focuses on developing industrial viable, safe and ecologically friendly biobased (renewable biological sources) solutions to build a sustainable society, involving food, chemicals, energy and materials.

Complementing these technological developments are insights and discussions on societal, economic and environmental relevant and interdisciplinary topics such as ‘Cradle-to-cradle’, ‘green or circular economies’, ‘climate change mitigation’, ‘energy and food security’, ‘resource efficiency’, ‘sustainability in general’ and ‘resource, food and product safety’.

This conference is the first of its kind and promises to be interesting and informative.

Abstract submission closes on 23 Oct 15 and further information can be found at:

Industrial Applications of Metal-Microbe Interactions – 26-27 Nov 15 – University of Durham

This SGM focused meeting will bring together academics and industrialists to build collaborations in the areas of: biomining; biorecovery and bioprocessing; bioremediation; and biofabrication of higher value products.
Registration If you would like to attend this event contact:


Characterising and Utilising Rhodococcus Workshop – York – 2 Nov 15

Discussion topics include challenges in delivering Rhodococcus biocatalysts to industry; metal‐dependent oxygenases; new enzyme discovery/substrate re‐tuning; molecular biology toolkit for working in Rhodococcus; the academia–industry interface (presentation by the CPI). Attendance at this collaboration-building meeting will allow you to engage with an innovative community, interact with key opinion leaders and enable you to work on & gain help with industry‐relevant scientific challenges. Further information is on the Rhodococcus flyer

Registration If you would like to attend this event, contact Charlotte Harrison ASAP, as there are a  limited number of places:

UK to New Zealand mission on Agricultural and Bio-technologies – Sep 15

The mission is planned to coincide with the NZBIO, New Zealand’s annual biotechnology conference (September 23 and 24) in Wellington, New Zealand, and UK mission participants are encouraged to register and attend the event. Conference registration is available via the NZBIO website (  An early bird rate is generally available to 31 July. Continue reading “UK to New Zealand mission on Agricultural and Bio-technologies – Sep 15”

Synthetic Biology for Biotechnology and Bioenergy Workshop – University of Surrey – 7/8 Sep 15

Our VFA Factory Working Group Chair, Dr Claudio Avignone-Rossa from the University of Surrey, along with Prof Hugo Gramajo of Aregentina’s National University of Rosario  is holding a Synthetic Biology for Biotechnology and Bioenergy Workshop on 7-8 September at the University of Surrey. This Workshop is part of the activities of a BBSRC Continue reading “Synthetic Biology for Biotechnology and Bioenergy Workshop – University of Surrey – 7/8 Sep 15”

Value of AD Research Recognised with AD Ambassador Award

Leaders across the anaerobic digestion industry met earlier this month for the fourth annual UK AD & Biogas Industry Awards held at the Birmingham NEC.

Angela Bywater, Network co-Manager of the BBSRC-funded Anaerobic Digestion was amongst those recognised for their contribution to the industry, receiving an ADBA Industry Ambassador Award for her work in championing the AD industry’s interests  and, in particular, the value of research and development.

ADBA Chief Executive Charlotte Morton said “There has been a lot of exceptional hard work by dedicated professionals over the past five years, all aimed at scaling our industry. Today the AD industry boasts 400 biogas plants, which together deliver an electrical equivalent capacity of almost 480 megawatts – equivalent to the capacity of one of the nuclear power plants, Wyfla, which is being decommissioned this year.“ She added that, with these awards, “We’re honoured to recognise the greatest contributors to those sector triumphs that have developed AD as an established, proven technology.”

The Anaerobic Digestion Network is one of 13 BBSRC funded Networks in Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy and is led by Professor Charles Banks of the University of Southampton and Professor Orkun Soyer from the University of Warwick. The AD Network provides research funding accessible to business and academia, as well as running low cost/free networking and information dissemination events for anyone interested in innovation and research in the field of Anaerobic Digestion.  Membership is free to all. More information can be found at

Early Career Researchers Win at AD Network Event

Nearly 50 researchers from 17 universities came together on 29-30 Jun 15 at the University of Warwick in order to discuss their cutting edge research. Find out about the winning researchers and prize categories…

Nearly 50 researchers from 17 universities came together on 29-30 Jun 15 at the University of Warwick in order to discuss their cutting edge research. Whilst having a common theme of anaerobic digestion, subject matter varied widely, from pot ale to bioelectrochemistry and metagenomics, with everything else in between. info and photos ….

LB Net Early Stage Career Workshop – 8-10 July 2015, Redworth Hall, Darlington

If you are in the last year of your PhD or you are a postdoctoral researcher within 3 years of completing your PhD do not miss this opportunity to engage with experts from industry and academia in the lignocellulosic biorefinery area and take part in a creativity workshop aimed at inspiring  researchers to recognise the potential for innovation and research in the area of industrial biotechnology and  lignocellulosic biomass.

Take part in this 3-day workshop, where a series of inspirational talks are planned. Participants are expected to form teams and develop innovative and competitive ideas for funding. Mentors from industry and academia will be there to support delegates. This is a great opportunity to mix with like minded researchers and be guided in how to develop creative research into competitive proposals and entrepreneurial ventures. The workshop is led by Dr Edward Green, founder of Green Biologics and Chain Biotechnology and the aim is to encourage creative and innovative thinking.

Register by completing the LB Net application form and returning it to