APEX Awards
The APEX award scheme offers established independent researchers, with a strong track record in their respective area, an exciting opportunity to pursue genuine interdisciplinary and curiosity-driven research to benefit wider society. See: www.royalsociety.org/grants-schemes-awards/grants/apex-awards/ .
Deadline: 14th December 2017.
Royal Society Research Grants
This scheme provides seed-corn funding for early-career scientists for research within the Society’s remit in the life and physical sciences. Grants are worth up to £20,000 each over one year. Closing Date: 19th December 2017. See: https://royalsociety.org/grants-schemes-awards/grants/research-grants/ .
ERC Consolidator Grant
Worth a look whilst they are still available. See: https://erc.europa.eu/funding/consolidator-grants . Deadline: 15th February 2018.
David Clarke Fellowship
The David Clarke Fellowship is co-funded by the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) and
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). At least one fellowship will
be awarded per year. The research focus of the fellowships must be interdisciplinary across the Energy theme See: www.epsrc.ac.uk/files/skills/david-clarke-fellowship/ .
Don’t forget about the AD Network’s Business Interaction Vouchers (closes: 31 Dec 17) and our final Proof of Concept (closes: 15 Jan 18). More information on our website.
The Rank Prize
Are you working in crop science? The Rank Prize offers opportunities for support like their Travel awards £7,500 (Deadline: 29th January 2018) and Vacation Scholarships £2,500 (Deadline: 14th February 2018). See: http://www.rankprize.org/ .