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Topic 4 2016, Page 2

Topic 4 – Reflection on digital ethics of the use of social media

Initially, I was unsure of which is the most important digital ethics in today’s corporate world and in education institutes. I focused on the importance of deceiving the public and members of the social media. However, the blogs of my classmates have, again, allow me to be exposed to their intriguing perspectives and the importance of other ethical issues. Karise had stressed the essentiality of integrity risk. Continue reading →

Reflection: Topic 4

There are many implications raised that the use of social network sites as tools have modified and innovated teaching/learning practices in academic activities. Social network sites, either specifically designed for education (e.g. Edmodo and Ning) and professional/research purposes (e.g. LinkedIn and ResearchGate) or originally focused on social-relational (e.g. Facebook and Twitter), are progressively gaining attention in relation to uses at school. Continue reading →

Reflection on the web, an ethical issue with A/B testing.

Walking on the roads we have chosen, reflection is important for us in deciding on our future road. After reading two blog posts (Dawn‘s and Juls‘s) and three comments (from Dawn, Teresa and Juls), what did I learn? In my previous post about A/B testing, Dawn had commented that possible responses to this issue would include changing privacy settings, being stricter with the input of information and ending use of the service. Continue reading →

Topic 4 Reflection: Ethical issues raised by Business use of social media

In my topic 4 entry, I mentioned about the ethical challenges raised by HR practice on social media, however, after exchanging viewpoints with my classmates, I found out that there are other range of ethical issues regarding business use of social media that are significant! Both Hazel and Lelia also mentioned about other business ethical issues that arises due to social media. Jeopardising Customer Privacy Lelia emphasised on an interesting issue that made me think deeper into this topic. Continue reading →

Reflection: Ethical Issues in Social Media

Reading most of my friends’ posts, I am now aware that there are various types of ethical issues; astroturfing, privacy, and more; each has been covered for in most posts that I had read. I’ve also come to realize that privacy issue can be closely linked to consent issue. In response to Klarissa’s post, I have understood that User Generated Content (UGC) is another case in which consent was applied incorrectly. Continue reading →

Reflection – Ethical dilemma

Image done by Xinlin This topic is highly debatable, given how broad the term “ethics” can be.  It is interesting to discover what constitutes an ethical/ unethical  behaviour to my peers. Jef‘s post raised concerns that Facebook has been carrying our unethical behaviour which questions the confidentiality of big data. It leaves us feeling vulnerable online, knowing how our information are stored and sold all over. Continue reading →

Reflection on What is Ethical on Social Media

This topic is especially important for us – future marketers. As we rely heavily on this information to craft our campaigns and create promotions that customer. It has taught us to draw the line of what is considered ethical and unethical on social media. And how we can abide by it to prevent getting in trouble. I have previously touched briefly on this topic (Pokemon Go). But with the most recent post, I have gone more in-depth as to how to create ethical content on our social media. Continue reading →

Reflection: Astroturfing isn’t ethical?

There are numerous ethical issues on social media in both business and educational context. The issue on astroturfing has piqued my interest, and being so intrigued about this topic I went to read on my peers’ posts and opinions on it. I realised that astroturf exists in many other forms: Infographic created by me. Information credits to Teresa & Angeline. As mentioned in Charissa’s blog, social media is a new channel for companies to do marketing. Continue reading →