“They’ll know loads more about me” – Facilitating self-expression through Digital Storytelling to support educational transitions (research poster)

Assignment type: Small Scale Research Project poster Authors: Sophie Brinsmead, Carys Deeley, Jess Millington, Laura Pardoe, Henry Wood-Downie and Hanna Kovshoff Submitted: June 2024 Download PDF of the poster View a recorded webinar about this research project here.

First prize research poster: Investigating equitable access of minoritised groups to EP services

Assignment: Small Scale Research Project Poster, presented at the 2022 Southampton Psychology Post Graduate Research Conference Authors: Selma Vieira, Sophie-Jane Stanwyck, Ffion Davies, Cora Sargeant Submitted: June 2022 There is limited research into equity of access to Educational Psychology Services (EPS) … Continue reading

Recorded webinar: Facilitating self-expression to support transitions through Digital Storytelling

In an online webinar (streamed by Educational Psychology Reach-Out on 18 Apr 2024), Southampton trainee educational psychologists Sophie Brinsmead, Jess Millington, Laura Pardoe and Carys Deeley discuss their small scale research project on Digital Storytelling (supervised by Dr Henry Wood-Downie … Continue reading

‘Schools aren’t talking about it even though they should be’ – Using Personal Construct Psychology to explore what girls feel would make schools safe.

Assignment type: Small Scale Research Project Author: Lauren Craik, Sukhjagat Brar, Imogen Crockett, Hannah Kemp, Martha Mayfield, Cora Sargeant, Dawn Slattery and Sarah Wright. Submitted: September 2022  Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is a widespread issue, and it has … Continue reading

What is the relationship between self-determination and the process of managed moves?

Assignment type: Thesis Author: Patrick Mahon Submitted: June 2016 Abstract Managed moves were introduced by the DfE (1999) in an effort to lower the rising number of permanent exclusions in schools. Abdelnoor (2007) described a managed move as a process whereby a student, … Continue reading

Looked After Children’s experience of a group intervention to promote resilience

Assignment type: Research Project (Small Scale Research Project, Year 1) Authors: Chantelle Zilli, Rebecca Neudegg, Eleanor Hayes, Ed Sayer and Hanna Kovshoff Submitted: Spring 2017 The objective of this study was to understand children’s experience of a therapeutic programme designed to … Continue reading

Pillars of Parenting: Exploring Adoptive Parents’ Lived Experiences.

Assignment type: Research Project (Small Scale Research Project, Year 1) Authors: Alex Gregory, Nikki Samos, Leanne Curreli, Cath Lowther and Hanna Kovshoff Submitted: Spring 2017 Flawed social, care and education systems have been linked to a high incidence of social, … Continue reading

Using Personal Construct Psychology to Explore Young Peoples’ Experiences of SEN Support in a Mainstream School

Assignment type: Research Project (Small Scale Research Project, Year 1) Authors: Kate Brant, Rosa Gibby-Leversuch, Catherine Goodchild, Cate Mullen and Hanna Kovshoff Submitted: Spring 2017 The 2015 Special Educational Needs (SEN) Code of Practice mandates that pupils’ views on their educational experience should … Continue reading

Experiences of person-centred planning meetings as part of the education, health and care plan (EHCP) process: An IPA investigation.

Assignment type: Research Project (Small Scale Research Project, Year 1) Authors: Ashleigh Shuttleworth, Anna Doedens-Plant, Helen Jones and Hanna Kovshoff Submitted: Spring 2017 Background: Eliciting pupil and parent views and encouraging their participation in planning is considered a vital tool in pursuit of a … Continue reading

The perspectives and experiences of children with special educational needs in mainstream primary schools regarding their individual teaching assistant support (2021)

Author: Hayley Pinkard Published: 2021 Publication: European Journal of Special Educational Needs This paper reports a small-scale qualitative research project, carried out in the south of England. Ten children (aged ten-eleven) with a range of SEN, from mainstream primary schools, … Continue reading

The Impact of Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope (PATH) for Children and Young People (2019)

Authors: Henry Wood, Karen O’Farrell, Caroline Bjerk-Andersen, Cate Mullen, and Hanna Kovshoff Published: 2019 Publication: Educational Psychology in Practice This small-scale research project investigated the impact of a Person-Centred Planning (PCP) tool – Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope (PATH) – with children … Continue reading