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Graphite Updates

I’ve done some more work on my Graphite PHP library. It now works a bit more like jQuery, which is nice. The general design philosophy is to try to make it as easy as possible to start doing something interesting.

I really like the following bit of code:

print $graph->allOfType( "foaf:Person" )->get( "foaf:name" )->join( ", " ).".\n";

Which prints out the list of all the peoples names. No loops! I even wrote documentation for it!

Graphite Browser

On Friday I needed a quick and easy linked-data browser and most of the ones out there I find bothersome and complicated, and I wanted something for a teaching aid, so I wrote this:

Which is very quick & dirty but I’m quite liking it to just look inside RDF & RDFa documents. It just does a regexp so all the hyperlinks go to instead of XXXX.

Posted in Graphite, PHP.

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