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Agile Documents for agile development

Like a lot of large IT providers the work we do here in iSolutions is often steeped in documentation. This comes in various levels of usefulness from “god send” down to “written but never read” (aka complete waste of staff time). In TIDT our processes tend to be quite documentation light. If a document doesnt serve a purpose to us we do not write it. Less time shuffling paper means more time writing code. However just because we do not have a lot of paper work does not mean we do not have a plan. We work closely with users and develop in a agile way. Because our changes are small and frequent we use need far less documentation per change.

People who do not understand the way we work don’t understand our documentation. A excellent example is a documentĀ  (linked bellow) emailed to me by Lucy Green from comms regarding some changes to SUSSED. This documentation is a beautiful example ofĀ  agile documentation. It is information heavy, easy to understand and because the change is relatively small it is nice and short. Writing it down serves an important purpose because it gives us an artefact to talk around in our meeting. Because it’s highly visual there are fair less misunderstandings of intent. Documents like this make me happy. It tells me what I need to know. After the change it will serve no purpose, the reasons for making the change will be listed in the iSolutions formal change management documentation a much drier and less well read affair.

Agile documentation

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