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Graphite 1.5 Released

There’s some exciting new features in v1.5 of Graphite:

  • Added “resource-description” which allows you to create subgraphs, JSON trees and extract graphs from a SPARQL endpoint without needing to learn SPARQL!
  • Added dumpText() for command-line debugging/resource inspecting.
  • Added prettyLink() and link() for easier HTML creation, and supporting functions for setting mailto: and tel: icons.
  • Added functions to set addional relations to be considered for label()
  • Added datatype() and language() to get those values from a literal.
  • addTriple() and addCompressedTriple() allow individual triples to be added to the graph.
  • freeze() and thaw() make it possible to cache an indexed graph to disk for faster load times.

That first one is the really cool one; it makes it really easy to build HTML pages from SPARQL, and expose the data as RDF and JSON documents.

And I’ve spent my Sunday morning getting it all documented!

Posted in Graphite.

One Response

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  1. Nwakego says

    Hi, I have been trying without success to use graphite on my website. I am using an arc2 localstore in the backend, but for some reason even when I convert the array results from my sparql query to triples format, and try to generate using graphite, it doesnt work for me. It works just fine when I use the link stated in your example, how do I need to change it? Please help!

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