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SEO Trackbacks

I had a very bizarre comment on this blog…:

Cyber Cauldron
Submitted on 2010/08/17 at 11:20am


I found your entry interesting thus I’ve added a Trackback to it on my weblog 🙂 …


It was obviously machine generated spam, so I just hit spam. Then out of curiosity checked the site it came from which was a pagan blog post about transmogrification (meditating until you see yourself as an animal).

This made no sense, they aren’t the spammy kind. So I gave them a ring, and the chap who answered was baffled too, but he worked it out!

He’d installed a wordpress plugin for SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) which was looking for similar posts and my “data visualisation” post got paired with his about visualising being an animal.

The nice thing is he turned off the plugin when he discovered it was causing a bother. So if you see these (88,000 matches for the string on google) then they may just be someone who didn’t realise the SEO wordpress plugin would be annoying other users.

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