Topic 1: A Reflection

While obviously having some sort of broad overview of what the module would involve, the intricacies of it, as discovered in our opening tutorial, was something rather alien to me; an online course, consisting of blogging and building an online presence in a ‘learn-as-you-go-along’ fashion, with no formal lectures or face-to-face contact with my fellow peers. This new format of learning made me apprehensive at first, but two weeks into the course I feel my worries were unfounded. Setting up my blog, while difficult to grasp at first, now seems easy, and I’m finding WordPress a user-friendly blog site, perfect for a beginner like myself.

Now, the topic! The first topic we had to study was on the ideas of digital residents and visitors. While these were completely unfamiliar terms to me when I first read them, after a bit of very concise but helpful readings I felt they were topics that I had a somewhat decent grasp on, and was able to easily apply them to my personal experience and the experiences of those around me, namely my family. However, while I had a decent overview, on reflection and having read other people blogs I feel I could’ve delved a little deeper into the topic, perhaps by exploring related readings other than those recommended by the course. This is something I will attempt to in the next topic

Finally, the comments! I found this the most challenging aspect, but that could have been because I didn’t look deep enough into the topic and so was unable to offer as much insight as I could’ve done. However, this lack of insight did make reading other peoples work intriguing, not least because it provided another interpretation and another perspective on the rather subjective topic that we were faced with. Next time I would also look to create more of a discussion in the comments section of my own blog, something I didn’t do at all on this topic.

All in all I’m looking forward to taking what I’ve learnt during the first two weeks and applying them to future topics.

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