Meeting Summary 26/03/2015

Meeting Summary 26/03/2015

During this meeting the group found it important to note that this week all members had multiple deadlines for other modules, therefore were not able to contribute as much as usual to the blog. In order to combat this the group have changed the current post’s deadlines to allow for extra time. Despite this set back the group have will still meet the project planning dates stipulated by the gantt chart due to a realistic time scale.

Another topic of discussion within the meeting was that of design for the engineering aspects of the product. The group discussed which steps the product would need, and consequently which posts would sum this up in the most direct and conclusive manner. Below are the short-list of ideas based upon methodological design steps for an engineering project, outlined by Ginege and Murugesen (2001):

1. Use Case
2. Wireframes
3. Activity diagrams
4. Representation/class diagram

For the next meeting

For the next meeting the group decided that each member may select a post which they feel they could contribute the most to. In the next two weeks they should research this, consider design plans and how these may effect engineering aspects, and create a post which details the concluding designs. As the deadline for this will be over the Easter holidays it is important to note that the group cannot have weekly meetings (as some members will not be in the UK). Therefore each member should pay close attention to email and the social media group page in order to stay up to date with the project.

This post represents that coherent structure and story are present in the portfolio which uses the entry and tags mechanism of the blog system. It tells the story of the project by explaining individual roles clearly, explaining why these were decided, and what outcome they will produce later on in the project.


Ginige, A., & Murugesan, S. (2001). Web engineering: An introduction.MultiMedia, IEEE, 8(1), 14-18.

Minutes by Briony.

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