Meeting Summary 20/04/2015

Meeting Summary 20/04/2015

In this meeting the group discussed the current state of the blog and what each member could do to improve it based on mentor recommendations. The suggested improvements include:

– Each member should read through the posts that they have added to the blog and make sure that grammar and referencing is correct. This would contribute to the overall structure and quality of the blog and its narrative, making decisions and work out-put clearer.

– Each member should read through the posts that they have made and make that the formatting of figures and pictures is correct, and does not distract from any text associated with it. This would contribute to the overall structure and quality of the blog and its narrative, making decisions and work out-put clearer.

– Each member should think about ways to improve the readability of the blog. For example, would changing the blog theme contribute to easier reading. This would contribute to the overall structure and quality of the blog and its narrative, making decisions and work out-put clearer.

For next weeks meeting
It was concluded that each group member should contribute to the list of corrections above, and the portfolio will be evaluated again during the next meeting where Rob may further offer advice. Each member should also begin to consider how the portfolio should be concluded, and what issues should be addressed in order to fulfil the success criteria. This will be vital in summing up the project in a clear a concise way which fits the success criteria, and shows further initiative to the product development.

This post represents that coherent structure and story are present in the portfolio which uses the entry and tags mechanism of the blog system. It tells the story of the project by explaining individual roles clearly, explaining why these were decided, and what outcome they will produce later on in the project.

Minutes by Briony.

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