Meeting Summary 26/02/15

Meeting Summary 26/02/2015

During this meeting we addresses the ethical issues of the app’s pricing that were raised during the previous meeting. This meant considering whether it was morally right to charge people in order to feel safe. Each member conducted market analysis of similar applications, and came to the conclusion that a majority of app’s within the safety market do not charge, and therefore we should not either. This is an important consideration for our product, as it may determine how many users user our product over others.

Furthermore based on this market analysis the team have identified features of app’s on the market and the potential weaknesses that these have. During the meeting this was discussed in further detail, and the group came to the conclusion that our product should build upon the weaknesses of existing apps which would therefore create a niche market for our product. This has allowed the group to scope out a short-list of app features which were lacking or inconsistent in other existing app’s.

For the next meeting

The group decided that as the success criteria dictates that extensive testing will not be included in our project, we should decide the app features by acquiring expert opinions, group discussion, and literature reviews. Alongside this the group will research engineering choices in order to decide whether the app should be mobile based or web based, as choice of platform may dictate the usability of the app, the technologies involved to create it, and what different means of testing it may require in the future.



This post represents that coherent structure and story are present in the portfolio which uses the entry and tags mechanism of the blog system. It tells the story of the project by explaining individual roles clearly, explaining why these were decided, and what outcome they will produce later on in the project.


Minutes by Briony Gray

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