iSolutions uses ITIL processes as part of its Service Management. We organise our processes in a way informed by ITIL, and provide reports on how well we met our stated aims. The main way that our users interact with us is through the Incidents and Service Requests they raise via ServiceLine. We have targets to resolve 90% of Service Requests and Incidents within a set target time measured in elapsed minutes.

The table below shows the services that fall under the Category of Teaching Support. Not all of these are dealt with by the MLE team, for example AV, e-assignment, e-folio, and i-survey. However we do collate and report on these statistics each month. In the interests of openness with our users and customers the table below shows how many tickets we receive each month in each area, and how many are resolved within target. The SLT score shows the percentage of tickets that are resolved within target.


You may ask “so what are the target times within which tickets are expected to be resolved”?

Incident Service Level Targets are determined by Priority, which itself is determined by the following matrix based on Urgency and Impact:
