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Looking back when my parents was a kid, the Web seems so foreign. But compared to me, the Web seems otherwise. Through Prensky (2011) theory, everyone is either natives or immigrants. But now times have changed, as the Web is incorporated into our daily life. Samuel (2017) suggest that there are 3 distinct groups of young people based on how parents manage their kids’ use of technology in very different ways. Continue reading →

Digital Differences

Digital differences impact how accessible internet is, how we interact with internet and our ability to learn through the internet.    I feel very fortunate to be living in Singapore! INTERNET IS EVERYWHERE. In Singapore, almost all households have their own broadband network which gives them access to internet. If that is not enough, proximity of public amenities also increases our access to internet. Continue reading →

Digital Difference

The digital difference which is also known as digital divide is the term used to describes the gap between demographics that have access to the internet. There are many factors that are taken into consideration like their age, sociality class. In 2016, 53% of the world’s population was not using the internet (FutureLearn, 2017). Through constant global effort, we can see from the above figure, there is an increase for the Internet user. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Impact of Digital Differences

Source: The impact of digital differences on our interaction with the Web affects every facet of our lives, from using social media as an outlet of expression to starting an online business. Our online practice is a reflection of our beliefs, identity, cultural values, and attitudes. Yet it also depicts inequalities among others due to various social (rich vs poor), economic (communist vs socialist) and external factors (e.g. Continue reading →

The impact of DIGITAL DIFFERENCES on how we interact with the Web

As mentioned in my previous post, 3.2 billion people have access to the internet. What about the rest of the population out there who are not as connected? Why is this so? Digital divide is the gulf between those who have ready access to computers and the Internet, and those who do not (Oxford Dictionaries). However as internet penetration increases worldwide, the focus has shifted to digital inequalities. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Digital differences

As of 2016, more than 4 billion people still do not have access to the Internet and the main reasons could be due to infrastructure, affordability, skills and local adoption. (Emma Luxton, 2016) Figure 1. Main reasons that so many people are still offline Fortunately in Singapore, she has one of the fastest Internet speed in the world and I am bless enough to enjoy it. Hence, I am going to put forth my digital differences in the image below. Figure 2. Continue reading →

Digital differences and me

What is the impact of digital differences on how you interact with the web? In this time and age, being on the web is almost second nature. School, work and social life involves the digital world in one way or another. Schools in Singapore conduct “e-learning day” where student stay home and learn through student portals. People mention and tag each other on social media instead of privately sending text messages. Continue reading →

An Evaluation of My Digital Differences

Featured Image by JST.Elvin Digital differences are a form of segregation that differentiates one web user from another by a set of characteristics. Based on a discussion about digital differences in inequalities and online practices and how it impacts learning, I think that it is important to note that these mentioned factors may have a certain degree that an individual has control over. To simplify it further, I have grouped them into 2 groups. Continue reading →