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This is not goodbye…

In the blink of an eye, the arduous journey of #MANG2049 that lasted for 12 days has finally come to an end! I have a bittersweet feeling about it but, without a doubt, I am certain that I am moving away from being a digital visitor to more of a digital visitor! Here is a recap of what I have learnt throughout this journey and let me bring you through my development for my digital literacy! Source: Self-produced via Piktochart Below is an image of my before and after self-test. Continue reading →

An eye opener to the world of online identities…

After reading through the posts written by my fellow classmates, I realised that there are more to the issue than meets the eyes. Most of them prefer to have multiple online identities while only a handful leaned towards single online identity. Other than the aspect of social media accounts, people are also concerned about privacy regarding sensitive issues and job employment. Jian Wen’s post mentioned about anonymity, which could potentially lead to cyber-bullying. Continue reading →

Who am I in the online world?

‘‘Is this person in the picture really the same person as we have seen in real life?’’ This question may have pop up in our mind when we come across unfamiliar or contradicting perspective towards certain individuals. Thus, this leads to today’s discussion: ‘what is online identity and what constitute it?’ Source: Self-produced via Piktochart There are 3 layers of online identity: public, private and personal. Take bank information as an example for personal identity. Continue reading →

Reflection: An eye opener to the world of information literacy…

It was refreshing to read my fellow classmates’ blogs and their views on information quality. It had widened my thoughts on how the effect of poor information quality can impact not only individuals, but also the society as a whole. Kirby’s comment got me thinking when he stated that the “greatest growth of political polarisation occurs in areas that individuals only spend limited time on the Internet”. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Is online information still reliable?

Ever wondered why your search engine and YouTube main page would always display those items that you search or visit the most? Look no further, as it will be explained here. First, let us take a look at filter bubble… The USA presidential election in 2016 shocked many people, as to how we had missed out on the popularity of Donald Trump and to answer this, filter bubble made it happened. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Digital differences

As of 2016, more than 4 billion people still do not have access to the Internet and the main reasons could be due to infrastructure, affordability, skills and local adoption. (Emma Luxton, 2016) Figure 1. Main reasons that so many people are still offline Fortunately in Singapore, she has one of the fastest Internet speed in the world and I am bless enough to enjoy it. Hence, I am going to put forth my digital differences in the image below. Figure 2. Continue reading →

Introductory Post

Hi readers, this is my very first post and for this, I will explain what digital ‘resident’ and ‘visitor’ are. Digital resident is people that spend a large amount of their time online, especially on their social media platforms. They will use it as a means to express their thoughts, socialise and basically, in almost all facet of lives. Often times, they will prefer to communicate online than offline. Continue reading →