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My Journey to Understanding Digital Differences…

Before I continue on this post, I would like to thank the following contributors: Luna and Pearl, for taking their time to look through my previous post and giving me relevant feedback and comments regarding digital differences. Click to view slideshow. (Self produced slides, 2017) Luna’s comment in particular, left me to think of digital differences as differences in education system between developed countries, particularly Taiwan and Singapore. Continue reading →


Upon reading my peer’s blog post, i have gained a deeper insight on Digital Differences. Source: Renee Liew In Agnes’s post, it was mentioned that learning through the internet has provided student a great learning platform which is bigger than the library. Information can be found with just a click away! This has definitely supported my comment whereby online learning can be effective and interesting. Continue reading →

Food for thought: Topic 1

Digital differences have always existed and it is everywhere, however it has never crossed my mind before this topic. Min Hui’s post has made me ponder further if our online interactions due to our personal online practices has caused a toll or brought society to greater heights. She mentioned that living in Asia, her family would restrict the use of mobile phones at times in her reply to my comment. Here’s a video I thought was meaningful addressing this issue. Continue reading →

My Reflections on Digital Differences

Looking back, I think Denise’s post exposed me to the ‘why’ behind non-internet users, which inspired me to research about the ‘why’ behind internet users. Interestingly, there are certain patterns by dividing users based on age. Infographic created by self, Information from DMN3 By looking at it from a geographical perspective, I also learned that a person’s country of residence does play a part in a nation’s prosperity as well. Continue reading →

Reflection: Topic 1 – How Digitally Different Are We?

The topic on digital difference has really broadened my knowledge about the ways we use the Web and how it differs for all of us. Reading through other blog posts has made me realised that even though the Web is a common platform for all, it definitely performs a different role in our lives and more importantly, realising that there is no fixed or accurate way to use it due to the differences of our beliefs and attitudes. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Reflections

Curious about my other viewpoints on Digital Differences? Before learning about “Digital Differences”, I always thought that the only digital difference is caused by the fact that the less privileged have lesser access to the online world as compared to the richer. However, a comparison between my colleagues blog posts and mine, gave me a deeper insight to  “Digital Differences”, especially the motivation part of it. Continue reading →

We shouldn’t take it for granted, either for speaking top ten languages or internet infrastructures. 

Apart from the factors I’ve discussed in my  previous post, there are actually more dominant elements that are influencing our online learning and interacting patterns which are language barrier and infrastructure. In Min Hui’s comment, she brought about that around 25.3% of the internet user are native English speaker while the rest top 10 languages added up to an estimate 76.9% of the sampled internet population. Continue reading →