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Topic 2

How do we assess the reliability and authenticity of online information? It is important that we make sure the information found online is reliable and credible. Some information or report that we found are sometimes bias to a certain extent. Hence, it is essential to widen our network in order to judge the authenticity of the news. After reading a short post on Filter Bubble, it dawn on me that certain information that we found are usually one sided and bias. Continue reading →

Topic 2: How good are you in determining reliable information?

How to best evaluate internet information? It’s a big deal and an important skill to possess! Not surprisingly, many people suffered from ‘filter bubble’ – a state of intellectual isolation beyond their realisation. It can lead to a snowballing confirmation bias that builds up steadily over time. Source: Nieman Lab How does filter bubble affects individuals? Ways to overcome filter bubbles. Continue reading →

Have you been hooked?

Thinking about echo chambers, it certainly reminds me of the people living in North Korea. Where all informations are controlled and people just live their lives in Kim Jong Un’s made world. (Nat K.) Which is somewhat fake… “I too, am a victim of fake news.”  Being used as a tool among the millions, I too am guilty for transmitting fake news. However, as I grew more mature, I started to discern the fake from the real. Continue reading →

Review of Day 7

We provided general feedback on the topic 1 posts and reminded many of you to complete your self marking before your individual comments can be completed :-) The main issue to work on for topic 2 is DEPTH - getting beneath the surface to examine contradictions, make comparisons etc. As we know from the Intro topic on digital residents and visitors, these issues are rarely as simple as they might at first appear. Continue reading →

Alarming Persistence of Digital Divide

Following my previous post, I have been looking at blog posts of fellow classmates as well as participating in intellectual discussion. In this comment, Shanelle provided me a fascinating article showing the impact of market from the absence of net neutrality. [picture] MEO, a Lisbon-based telecommunications firm introduced mobile package split into package — forcing users to pay add-on fees for usage of apps such as Facebook, Twitter and Gmail. Continue reading →

My Digital Journey Thus Far…

My learning journey thus far has allowed me to gain deeper insights into the various forms of digital differences and the impact digitization has on our lives today. We live in a new-age of high-tech, high-touch with gizmos and gadgets to help simplify while enriching our lives. This fast pace of technological changes present both opportunities and obstacles towards adaptation of digital activities. Continue reading →

My Deep Contemplations of the Contrast Between Inequality and UnInterested Views on Web…………..

After reading and doing some research based on the different blog post, it made me understand that web better! Both  Siew Min and Audrey agreed with me that even people in less developed countries should receive affordable internet. However, Denise made a stand that if they are poor they don’t need internet. Then it got me thinking if all poor people not being able to afford internet and if was there a solution to this issue. Continue reading →

Reflection for Digital Differences

After reading through the comments and blog post of classmates on Digital Differences, i have gained a better understanding on Digital Differences and how it impacted on our life. There are no right or wrong answer for digital differences, just different perspective from different people. As mentioned by Rachel, as internet penetration increases, we should shift our attention from the “digital divide” to digital inequality. Continue reading →

Ever-Evolving Digital Differences and Web Interaction: Different Perspectives

Everyone has their own experiences with digital differences. Their own set of factors, or factors references from studies done by other researchers, which they believe would cause these differences, and affect the way they or others, interact with the Web. In my previous post, I’ve mentioned how the difference in life-stages, such as the level of education and age range one is at, would lead to digital differences within an individual, which would then affect the way they utilize the web. Continue reading →