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Reflection: Thoughts on Topic 2

Fake news is making an impact on our everyday life. How much real information are you getting from the web? From Alicia’s blog post, I have learnt that without digital literacy, it is difficult for people to understand how working online works. Without the basic knowledge, I would not have thought that fake news actually is circulating around the internet. I would actually believe the source if i had not known how to differentiate which is real information online. Continue reading →

Reliability and authenticity?

I read through some of my friends’ blogs and found out many things that I was not aware of before. Firstly, I only had minimal knowledge about the impacts of filter bubbles and echo chambers, until I read Audrey’s post and learnt that our searches could give us very different results. During Pariser’s TED talk (2011), he brought up an example about his two friends, who googled “Egypt” and got drastically different results. Continue reading →

Education is the best way to get reliable and authentic online information.

After commenting and reading blogs from Audrey, Min Hui, Luna, Victoria and Sahana. There are a multitude of ways to evaluate information online, but there are also other factors that affects the ability of the user to get reliable information. Luna and Kwan Chein commented on my blog that I should include filter bubbles and echo chambers in my post. I agree that I should evaluate it, but I replied Luna that: I realised that not everyone is as proficient at evaluating online information. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflection Post

I’ve had lots of conversations lately about what I consider to be “quality” information from the Internet and how to go about finding the elusive “quality” web link. Since everyone can publish anything they want, does that immediately make everything unreliable?  There gotta be some ways to make our lives easier when searching for the gold nuggets on online. Prior to this topic, I have little knowledge about evaluating information quality. Continue reading →

Onto the Digital Literacy Hype

Reflection time. Since my previous post, I’ve gained plenty of new insights regarding fake news for propaganda, automated social bots and imagery credibility! Based on the interactions in MOOC, it reiterated my stand that it is crucial to identify credibility by verifying claims. Screenshots of comments in MOOC Through my discussion with Stella, I was quite taken aback by the news reported by CNA regarding the affordability of housing in Singapore. Continue reading →


After reading my peer’s blog post, i have gain a greater knowledge on evaluating the credibility of sources online. As i mentioned in topic 2 that domain is one of the method to verify the authenticity of a given information, i have actually found that local media organizations hide part of the truth to their citizen. It was mentioned in Darren’s post and i agree that news produced by them are often bias to a certain extent. Continue reading →

The Thought Bubble #2

Welcome back to the Thought Bubble! Today’s reflection will be based on this post After having done some research and reading through the FutureLearn topics here is what I could take away: *Created by me   Through reading, commenting on and interacting with my fellow peers and their blog posts, I’ve been also able to reinforce what I’ve learnt and develop more in-depth thoughts on the topic: *Created by me It has also allowed me to expand on my original idea of 3 Cs... Continue reading →