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Topic 3: “Single Online Identity Or Multiple Online Identities?”

Today’s topic will be on “Online Identity/Identities”. So what is it about? Source: Original content made via Canva, using information from FutureLearn (2017) I do have multiple online identities and they basically fall into two categories: Personal and Professional. Though it may seem as a hassle to be managing so many accounts, I feel that it is necessary. Continue reading →

Can we “survive” today’s Internet with a single online identity?

Are having multiple online identities bad for us? Is having a single online identity enough to “survive” the Internet? Source: Chin Yu Ying ONLINE IDENTITIES It is very common for people nowadays to own multiple online identities. One of the reason is to put off the pressure for having the perfect feed of social moments, which subsequently led to a phenomenon called Finsta, also known as “Fake Instagram”. Continue reading →

How Do We Portray Ourselves in the Digital World?

  To begin with, Alex Schoof gave a TED talk 2015 about what defines digital identity from 0:00 – 3:10 . Also, he touched on the dangers of having a single identity from 5:08 – 6:20. He states that many websites are offering the services of users logging into their Facebook accounts and connecting with the website they want to access. This is convenient however, we risk bringing your identity from one site to another. Continue reading →

Hello, my name is…

Have your social media account ever been hacked before? Well, I do. But before that, let us know more about online identity. Since the Internet became part of our daily lives, online identities become an important factor we portrait ourselves the way we want the virtual world to view us. Does it matter?  It represents who you are real life and how others judge you. In the past, we use social media as a platform to stay connected and communicate with people. Continue reading →

Reflection: The Truth about the Fake.

Source: Kua Siew Min I hope you’ve enjoyed my summary video above, test yourself with the puzzle below before we move into my reflection on this topic! Answers are at the bottom of this article Source: Kua Siew Min -REFLECTION- Ying Zhen’s post had a statement which I found rather alarming. “In a poll of 1600 Singapore Residents, it is reported that 75% of respondents come across fake news occasionally with only half of the respondents confident of recognizing fake news. Continue reading →