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Topic 1: Impact of my “Digital Difference” on my interaction with the Web

Technology plays a huge role in today’s digital era. Even though we are at the dawn of the digital age, digital inequality has already gained a foothold and will continue to make its presence felt across many arenas of contemporary society. Digital inequalities continue to combine with age (older people), class (unskilled occupation), educational level, and other offline axes of inequality (Robinson et al., 2015). Continue reading →

Topic 1: Digital Differences

Privileges affect individual capacity. In society, social privileges allow an individual to utilize all privileges extended to their community in order to improve their own individual position (MSS Research, 2017). This post will discuss how these “Digital Differences” impact how we interact in the digital world and my personal interaction with the web. Digital Differences refers to the differences between those with and without internet access (Pew Research Center, 2017). Continue reading →

Interacting with the web: What are my digital differences?

A warm welcome to my blog! Today’s post is going to be revolving around digital difference. The topic of digital differences can be discussed through a two-pronged approach, namely digital inequalities and online practices. Digital Inequalities is defined as the difference in proficiency when it comes to using technology among people from diverse backgrounds, demographics and competencies. ( Continue reading →

Topic 1: Evaluating Digital Differences

  Hi all! For today’s topic, i will cover on the digital differences impact it has on my learning.   Source:   More than 3/4 of Singaporeans are using the internet in this moment. In addition, a whopping number of people subscribed to  wireless or non-broadband. This shows that many people are equipped with the required skills to be digitally literate. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Living on the Web

Digital Differences and how it impacts our interaction on the web Digital differences are where social categories people are in allow them to use the internet in different ways. Examples are firstly, age, where older people tend not to use the web more compared to youngsters. Next, class, where the lower social class have lower forms of education, are less likely to access the web as well. Followed by people being cyber bullied due to gender and ethnicity. Continue reading →

Topic 1 Digital Difference

Digital difference is defined as people having different type of access to technology and how their online practices differ from one another. Today, the differences in internet access differ among demographic group. For instance, the Pew Internet Project surveyed people in America and the finding was shown in the following: Source from: https://globalab.wordpress. Continue reading →

Digital Differences – How I Interact With The Web

Evaluate the impact of digital differences on how you interact with the Web. (300 words) Digital differences are differences in the usage of the web by individuals. They are reliant on a variety of factors including demographics, psychographic, geographical and behavioural. An example of a difference is the quality of internet access, influenced by the ability to afford better connectivity. Being 20 and living in Singapore, where a census showed 75. Continue reading →


“Nic, why are you so tech-savvy?”  The Evaluation. Globalisation happened. Internet happened. Now, we’re connected! The use of Internet has been growing rapidly that digital differences and gaps are starting to appear. Some data provided by wearesocial: Click to view slideshow. As a digital native born in the Internet era in Singapore, I’ve been exposed to much more about the web. Continue reading →