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Final Assessed Posts

Is this the end?

I clearly remember that at the start of the module, all I was looking forward to was the flexible working hours and venue of work. As class only starts at 4pm, I could very well wake up at 2pm and start my day late. However, as the module progresses, I found myself being exposed and learning more about the digital world. It has successfully changed my perspectives on it and allows me to look at the digital world different now. Continue reading →

Looking Back at My Digital Learning Journey

“If you never try, you’ll never know what you are capable of.” (John Barrow, n.d.) I believe Barrow’s quote can be applied to my whole learning journey through MANG2049. I never thought I was capable of creating my own content, let alone posting it for the whole world to see. When I wrote my introductory post at the start of the module, I could merely speculate what the ending would be like 4 weeks later. Continue reading →

It’s The Final Countdown

Having been part of the digital age, I thought I was pretty tech savvy for the digital world. Over the span of self-oriented learning, I realized how naive I was as I am still lacking in many ways in which there are many applications and tools that I have never seen before. However, this module has given me an extraordinary learning experience and changed my perspectives of a whole new online experience. Continue reading →

#MANG2049 – What now?

#MANG2049 has come to an end. I thought #MANG2049 would be “easier” and less challenging than learning in the traditional manner. However, as the sessions progress, I find that it gets more challenging – the more I learn, the more my viewschange. I believe that the new knowledge and insights that I garnered will follow me in the years to come. For the past 12 sessions, we have been discussing online behaviour and actions. Continue reading →

This is not goodbye…

In the blink of an eye, the arduous journey of #MANG2049 that lasted for 12 days has finally come to an end! I have a bittersweet feeling about it but, without a doubt, I am certain that I am moving away from being a digital visitor to more of a digital visitor! Here is a recap of what I have learnt throughout this journey and let me bring you through my development for my digital literacy! Source: Self-produced via Piktochart Below is an image of my before and after self-test. Continue reading →

Final Reflections

This module has taught me a great deal on several topics. However, it is incomparable to the perspectives and skill-sets that I’ve been exposed to while going through this module. Some examples include research techniques and creation of online materials. Beyond proper research techniques and information literacy, I’ve learnt to consider alternate perspectives as well. An example would be how media organizations and their publications can sometimes be aligned with political agenda. Continue reading →

The Beginning of The End?

The web is like an enigma, constantly updating and baffling its users. Being a digital citizen, this module certainly stirred some introspection within. Amongst other, it has fostered some good digital habits. Fig 1 – Self-Test of Digital Activity (Self-Created using Canva) Generally, all factors have elevated by a notch. Continue reading →