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Topic 1 2016, Page 7

Residents vs Visitors. Which side are you on?

In this digital era, which side do you belong to? Are you a resident in this digital sphere or someone who just visits?Ā Before you take or choose your sides, I would like you to understand the meaning of them so that you are able to choose your side carefully. Digital residents see the internet as a social place and they are more than delighted to engage with others through online mediums. Continue reading →

Topic 1: A Moving Continuum

While you are reading this, I am pretty sure you have other tabs opened such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, or you are probably watching one of your online shows (has anyone watched the latest episodeĀ of The Walking Dead yet?!!) I find it so fascinating as to how much information there is available on the internet. So much so that you will be able to ā€œget to knowā€ someone just by stalking their profile and various social media platforms. Continue reading →

Topic 1 ā€“ Digital Visitor or Digital Resident

In the following context, I will be explaining the terms of “Digital Visitor” and “Digital Resident” based on my readings. Also, I will be elaborating on my personal opinions in regards of these two terms. Digital Visitor “Digital visitor” implied that an individual is using the internet or social media to search for information. Once they have accomplished their task, they will turn offline again. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Digital Visitors and Residents

Prenskyā€™s Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants concept is the distinct segmentation of two groups; those born into the digital age and those accustomed to it. Many disparities started to arise as time passes, revealing new evidence that helped mould the concept of Digital visitors and residents. Digital Visitors They are the people who see the web as a utility tool; just like a hammer or jackā€™s knife, with the purpose of getting the job done. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Digital Visitors and Residents

Prenskyā€™s Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants concept is the distinct segmentation of two groups; those born into the digital age and those accustomed to it. Many disparities started to arise as time passes, revealing new evidence that helped mould the concept of Digital visitors and residents. Digital Visitors They are the people who see the web as a utility tool; just like a hammer or jackā€™s knife, with the purpose of getting the job done. Continue reading →

Digital Residents and Visitors.

Individuals have access to internet from all over the world. Some frequent the internet more than other. Everyone may have varied reasons for being on the web, from Social-networking, business, and or even leisure purposes. It is common for people to perceive that a userā€™s engagement to the digital world is based on generation gap and technological intellect. However, it may not be the case. It has been argued how the users of internet be reassessed. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Are you a Visitor or a Resident

” WAIT!, DOĀ NOTĀ EAT FIRST. I WANT TO TAKE PICTURES FOR MY INSTAGRAM/SNAPCHAT!!” This is how most meetups/gatheringsĀ start now. Ā In this era of impressive technology advancement, almost everyone possesses a smart device that allow us to connect to the internet. There will always be at least one person on the table taking pictures of their food to update on social media. Connecting online have became a necessity for most of us. Continue reading →

Digital Visitors and Digital Residents

Let’s discuss Digital Visitors vs Digital Residents! Let’s start by knowing what they are. Digital Visitors are those who assess the web to gain information, without leaving a trace of their activity in the web itself. Digital Residents are those who assess the web not only to gain information, but also to create information, to leave own traces, and to interact with othersā€”basically living virtually. Continue reading →

Digital Visitor and Digital Resident

[Image: Amponsem] Digital and technology plays a big part in the world we live in today. We can search for anything and everything on the Internet with a click of a mouse or tap of a finger. Google, the search engine, is our next best friend. Many of us in one way or another would come into contact with the digital world and technologies for work and/or play. Continue reading →

To be a ā€˜Residentā€™ or ā€˜Visitorā€™, that is the question.

Hey, readers! Todayā€™s musing will be on the semi-identity crisis: Am I a digital ā€˜Residentā€™ or ā€˜Visitorā€™? Ā  Before we begin, let us first understand the evolution of digital world 20 years ago, the use of the great and vast Web was solely goal-oriented functional for information-gathering with Google leading the web, by facilitating the collection and organizing vast information (David S.White). Continue reading →