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2016, Page 8

Topic 5: Reflective Summary

(Source: Picture created by me) Be it in which industry, content producers will always contemplate the same issue in their minds: Should I let my work be accessible to all? There is no right or wrong answer in this scenario as there will always be two sides to the picture. But it boils down to whether users abuse the system that leads to further arguments on whether materials should be made online freely. Continue reading →

Reflection On Topic 5: The Pros & Cons Of Open Access

Source: After reading my course mates’ posts on Open Access, I have better understanding of how the access can affect both content producers and a wide range of users. In my post, I concentrated on educational and academic aspects, but my friends’ posts have caused me to consider another group of people that are also affected by open access- music producers. Continue reading →

Topic 5 Reflection

(Source: After reading through the various blogs on Topic 5, I observed that generally everybody supports open access of research. Typically citing “pros outweighing cons”. However, there are almost no suggestions to how to tackle the ‘cons’ of open access. And if a paywall model can be made sustainable. Can a paywall model be the future of research journals? (Source: https://pixabay. Continue reading →

Topic 5: Reflection

The concept of open access can be integrated into a lot of things that are available on the internet. A lot of discussions have occurred on whether or not implementing this concept will take away the livelihood and motivation of individuals. The concept of making content free and available for everyone to use has many consequences at the same time can provide benefits. Continue reading →

Reflection: Free for all?

The idea of open access (OA) is not only limited to academic aspects. When I was 15, I started a tumblr account. I was weak(er) in photoshop and wanted to create a blog to contain my obsession over a kpop boy group, SHINee. Being ignorant about plagiarism, I posted graphics and gifs created by other users without any credits. I was soon targeted by the fandom and I resorted to closing down the blog. From then on, I found out about the concept of ‘plagiarism’. Continue reading →

Sharing is caring???

  What is Open Access?  Open Access (OA) is the free, immediate, online availability of information coupled with the rights to use these information fully in the digital environment. Open Access gives anyone the opportunity to use these information; for a greater good and turn these ideas into breakthroughs in life. Content producers are the ones who produce these contents and share these contents online. Open Access is a life-saver. Continue reading →

Open Access to Online Content

There are two properties of online content in the digital web, Paid Access and Open Access. Like their names, Paid Access represents online content that are only available for users who have paid for it and Open Access represents online content that are able to be viewed for free to all users (Editage, 2015). This post is focused on Open Access’ pros and cons. Video taken Open Access Explained! from via Youtube Open Access has been a hot debate in this era of digital web (theguardian. Continue reading →