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Topic 4 2015, Page 9

Realities of Social Media: Trusted VS Tainted

Social media, which begun for the sake of convenient interaction on the Internet, has far evolved to what it has become today: a marketing tool. (Picture Source: There are many benefits that social media marketing can bring to businesses, such as improved brand loyalty and increased inbound traffic to websites. Corporate use of social media to market products is seen as a business opportunity to increase sales. Continue reading →

Make Him “Famous”? Think Again

Source: Iran Daily Social media can be a powerful tool to bring together like-minded individuals, positively and negatively. The question highlighted in my post today will demonstrate the darker side of the internet – Online Shaming. When we see someone who behaves inappropriately, is it right to point that out? In cases where we are of the less-powered in the place of event, the internet can become an alternative to call out one’s “bad behavior”. Continue reading →

Social Media, are you lying to me? (Topic 4)

(Image Source: thunderhouse) According to the Internet Live Stats there are currently 3 billion internet users in the world, in singapore there are 4 million users, that is 80% of our population using the internet. As a marketer, this will be an opportunities for us, the internet will be the most viable platform to market business. Hence, companies now is making use of social media to promote their business. Continue reading →

Paid Reviews For Food Bloggers, Ethical? I think NOT!

In Singapore’s fiercely competitive F&B industry, the constant flow of publicity is crucial for restaurants to stay on the radar of indecisive diners. Social media was the obvious “go to”, anyone with a smartphone is now constantly barraged with Instagram posts of food and blogger reviews. Click to enlarge Sadly, filtering the legitimacy of one from another is nearly impossible! Hosted meals are usually not mentioned or in fine print at the end of the review. Continue reading →

Beyond The Law

The informative benefits of the virtual space come with a cost. Ever since Edward Snowden’s case pertaining to the disclosure of United States’ debatable acts, Internet has again heralded a change in each individual’s privacy. Continue reading →

Topic 4: Social Media Ethnics

Hold up, have you been stalking my social media accounts? Stalking – the act or an instance of stalking, or harassing another in an aggressive, often threatening and illegal manner. ( Source As social media is a recruitment tool essential in hiring candidates, stalking of candidates’ social profile, or some recruiters call it as ‘social media profiling’, ‘social screening’ and ‘intense research of an individual’, is known to be part of the screening process. Continue reading →

Topic 4 – Discuss ONE of the ethical issues raised by educational or business use of social media that you consider being particularly significant.

Society has transformed into a digital era, with the most drastic change being in how human communicate. 20 years ago, the Internet was just a novelty to people. However in today’s age of technology, social networking services – a myriad of rapidly developing services tools and practices – are developed for users to build their profiles with information like demographics and photos. Users can use their connections to gain new friends and interact. Continue reading →

Topic 4: social media ethics

Please read these notes and check out the links below, before preparing and posting your answer to the set question. This document should be regarded as just the start of the discussion, which are then developed over the next two days through the conversations themselves and the sharing of further relevant links. These articles are intended to give you a flavour of the topic, and get you started on answering the Topic 4 set question below. Relevant articles/videos http://www. Continue reading →