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Topic 4 2015, Page 4

Reflection of the Ethical Issues of Social Media

I am enlightened to a few interesting ideas through reading other blogs, and would like to share about them, although they are from a business angle, contrary to what I embarked on. Vanna shared about bashing – paying to get falsified positive reviews on your product/services and negative feedback on competitor’s. This is a growing phenomenon in the competitive business world as ethics are shelved aside in an attempt to gain an upperhand over the consumer market. Continue reading →

Review: Social Media Exposé

Source: Social Strand Media Social media ethics is something that I am pretty exposed to, and it was really enjoyable for me to actually research and learn more about this topic. The knowledge that I gain from the various discussion of these topics could be a guide for me before I enter the working world. Since this was a broad topics, it was interesting to learn more about the various views on it from my other classmates. Continue reading →

Review: Realities of Social Media: Trusted VS Tainted

Besides tainted social media marketing, ethical issues such as privacy, bullying, defamation and more were called to attention. (Cartoon Source: Pinterest) Easter’s indication of lowered privacy’s effect between teachers and students could affect the professionalism at hand. Lowered privacy could foster a stronger bonding between teachers and students. With that said, there should be a line drawn. It isn’t ethical when the professionalism is compromised. Continue reading →

Reflective Summary + Clickbait Headlines

We were tasked to evaluate an ethical issue raised by the educational or business use of social media. The issue that I brought up was how business addressed negativity on social media. This negativity could strengthen or damage the brand. Consumers were becoming increasingly powerful and businesses needed to react quick, and appropriately. I enjoyed this topic a lot because it gave all of us plenty of room to explore vastly different issues and viewpoints. Continue reading →

In a Nutshell – Does ethics still exist in Marketing?

Ethical issues of using social media? You’ve got to be kidding me, why do I even need to know? However, after reading several of my classmates’ posts, I changed my perspective of it, and understand how it relates to each of our daily lives as well. “How we consumers know what we are being exposed to and influenced by online is honest and genuine?” Many companies are turning into social media platforms to sell their products through social influencers. Continue reading →

Topic 4: Summary & Comments

Photo Credit: NewMediaResearch via Google Drawing back to the ethical issue that I have identified, Kai Yuan’s blog post whom also covered about the same ethical issue has mentioned about how being future “marketers” ourselves, we should consider the kind of message we intend to convey to customers. It is important to first know your audience before posting anything, especially when it is going to go public. We wouldn’t want to end up like how 2 of this airlines ended up into. Continue reading →

Social Media Ethics. So Whose Fault It It? (Reflective Summary and Comments)

It was an eye-opener and insightful read on the different takes my colleagues took on social media ethics. I was drawn to Nicole Low’s and Yi Xin’s blog post as it hits very close to home. It was about social media distorting the perception of beauty unrealistically causing eating disorders, depression and esteem issues in teens. [1] I have a very close friend who succumbed to bulimia because she felt like she wasn’t skinny enough or pretty enough. Continue reading →