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2015, Page 39

Reflective Summary: Topic 1

It has been such an interesting and engaging process blogging, viewing and commenting on my fellow friend’s blog posts. As i read through my classmate’s blog posts, I have gained very interesting perspectives on this topic and has definitely broaden my thinking. It has been engaging as everyone is free to express their opinions on their private blog posts in their own creative ways and to me, this is what makes the process so interesting and intriguing. Continue reading →

Looking back at Topic 1…

Source: Tumblr Phew, finished reading most of my classmates’ blog posts and I am really amazed about the different viewpoints shared by them that I have never thought of before! :D I feel that there are definitely still many areas about Visitor and Residents to be explored further, instead of just sticking by a standard definition. Source: Ryan Chew Take Ryan’s blog for an example. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Reflection

Thank you Sheryl and Venezia for your detailed comments! :)I am definitely a digital visitor because i share minimal information and only visit the website when i have something to do. I have accounts on twitter, facebook, and blogger but i do not use them often. I logon to twitter once in while to get updates on the news and also my friends' lives. As for facebook and blogger, i have never posted any updates about my personal stuff. Continue reading →

Topic 1: What have I learnt?

It has been interesting and enjoyable reading different views from different people. Before I even started researching and reading about Digital Visitors, Digital Residents, Digital Natives, and Digital Immigrants, I had no idea such concepts and terms exists! As I read posts from others, it got me thinking deeper and more questions arises… Constance made an insightful view — I agree, it is a common mistake made by readers to stereotype such technology users terms based on generations. Continue reading →

It’s all about management (Topic 1)

A witty friend of mine lamented that no individual can escape from the claws of digital technology – data is recorded onto the digital space once you are born! There he went and he felt that the new technological era of technology has invaded everyone’s privacy. Indeed, everyone does have a choice in deciding to be either a Digital Resident or Visitor. Browsing through the blogs of my various colleagues, I see the concurrence that there are no such best modes between the both. Continue reading →

#MANG2049 Topic 1’s Reflective Summary

From just reading several blog posts written by my classmates, I’ve gained a good number of varied insights into Topic 1! We were asked to explain the concept of digital “visitors” and “residents” after studying provided materials and conducting our own research. After which we leave comments on 2 blog posts we feel engaged us the most and prompted questions. My classmate Stephanie wrote a simple analogy using cars. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Reflective Summary of “Digital Visitors” & “Digital Residents”

After spending my weekends reviewing most of my colleagues’ blog post, I get to have many different viewpoints. Most consider themselve as a “Resident” but , some find themselves as a culprit of both- the “in-between”. And one or two who doesn’t have a persona online, other than Facebook, whom claims to be a “Visitor”. It’s interesting to see how different everyone is on the web. Continue reading →