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Final Assessed Posts 2015

It’s not a goodbye but a hello to new beginnings

12 days have flew by so fast, let’s see what how much I benefited from this module by the digital self-test! Digital Self-Test I took a different approach in explaining via a video I created! Enjoy :) (Click to enlarge) Online Profile Having an online profile promotes recognition and provides value to your brand [1].  – Privacy As discussed in Topic 2, I separated my personal and professional profile. In my Facebook and Instagram I privatised them as those are my personal accounts. Continue reading →

12 Days

This module has touched on so many topics that I will never get to find out on my own. (Before: What is open access? Am I a digital resident or visitor?) It is so unconventional – lectures on google hangout, assignments on blog, inquiry on twitter. It promotes active learning and has so much flexibility in terms of timing. I became more independent as I look for references to produce content for my blog and improve on skills such as locating, organising and analysing data information. Continue reading →

Beginning of a whole new race

The gradual realization of living in the age of networked intelligence allow myself to recognize the combination of shrewd adoption of multiple identities, well-practiced digital literacy is the key for marketers to engage and build an online branding for their career development in-conjunction with the open access of materials. Photo Credit: Quotes Gram via Google Comparison Transformation is the terminology to describe the development of my online professional profile. Continue reading →

Coming to an end…

Leveraging on the growth of digitization in the modern society, it is important to integrate what we have learnt from the module to help “future marketers” like us to establish an online professional profile. Building of my online professional profile First of all, let’s compare my before and after self-test! Establishing my LinkedIn Profile https://sg.linkedin. Continue reading →

My Digital Literacy Journey

After graduating from polytechnic, I had a break. To improve myself, I applied for jobs using a document-based CV (Curriculum Vitae) – a job application instrument that my polytechnic trained me to do. Looking back, I realised how naïve I was!   I’m not saying that handing in a CV for a job application is bad, I’m saying that handing in a CV is not enough. Then, my social media accounts were spewing with my private life, with hardly anything business-related. Continue reading →

A Final reflection

– Start – This module gave me great insight on how social media can play a big role in our lives. Before this module began, i didn’t have a proper Linkedin account,(more like i didn’t even use it at ALL) i also thought twitter was primarily for tweeting about the little things you do in life and didn’t really see the true power of social media. And.. Continue reading →