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Topic 2, Page 4

Charmaine Marn, marnmon or both?

Credits : privacymemes via Tumblr Online identity is the same as our birthnames, except that it is something that we chose ourselves and is used to identity ourselves when we go online. As you can tell from the title, my online identity is marnmon, as it is the username that I go by online, including twitter and instagram. Let’s first start with the pros and cons that I personally feel are present in having multiple online identities. Continue reading →

How The Big Bad Wolf Targets The Modern Red Riding Hood.

Doesn’t this look familiar? Yes, it does! It is Little Miss Red Riding Hood! Well, let me sum up the story for you. Girl meets Wolf. Wolf meets Grandma and swallows her whole. Girl meets Wolf who is disguised as Grandma. Wow! #fairytalein16words much? In order for the Wolf to carry out his devious plan, he had to first find out who Grandma was and where she lived at. Imagine that I am the Wolf living in this modern world. Continue reading →

Is your digital footprint within your control?

Topic 2 on Online Identity, Privacy and Security The advancement of technology is changing the way we socialize and express ourselves (Chatti et al., 2007). As mentioned in Topic 1, the Internet has become a part of our everyday lives. However, when we perform social media activities, we are encouraged to divulge our personal data. It is easier to target customers as we hand over our data, which is a dream come true for marketers. Continue reading →

One girlfriend or more? Hmm…

Online Identity An online identity is a networked identity adopted in cyberspace by an individual, organisation or electronic device. To me, an online identity is like a virtual girlfriend who knows you very well and likes to show your everything off to the world. According to Internet Society, an online security company has identified more than 200 Third-Party advertisers with more than 630 Tracking Technology tracking the various websites that one visits. Continue reading →

2.0 One or More Online Identities?

“Having two identities for yourself is an example of a lack of integrity.” (Zuckerberg, 2010) Wow. And I thought this was one of the craziest thing I read. Digital Identity is how people choose to represent themselves in the digital space. It is like a mirror-image of you in the virtual world, like a digital mirror. It is not totally ‘you’, but it is ‘you’. Continue reading →

One or more Online Identity?

Just some humor to spice up life, do take a look at the above video! :) Moving on from identifying who we are, today we discuss about having multiple identities online. It’s alright to have more than one Online Identity.  Reasons being: 1. We behave in different ways, depending on what situation we are in.   For example: We speak in formal languages to our superiors to present a professional image as opposed to speaking informally with our close peers over a cup of coffee. Continue reading →

An online identity, merely an illusion?

Before embarking on the argument for and against having more than one online identity, a proper definition of “online identity” is imperative. As defined by Internet Society (2014), an online identity is made up of partial identities that represent “you” upon visiting various websites. This may be both voluntary upon leaving your details to create an account or even involuntary where someone who knows you, leave any details about you. Continue reading →

Having multiple online identities? Good or bad?

There are so many different social media platforms that is available on the Internet to connect with people you may or may not know, it can be someone random that catches your attention and the next thing you know, you’re following that person on Facebook. That doesn’t mean you are that person’s friend, neither do you really know what are his or her weird habits, favourite foods, childhood stories or even their birthdays. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Multiple Online Identities

Digital identity is represented as ‘the reflection in the mirror, in this case in the digital mirror, is not you complete, but definitely it is you’.[1] Internet is playing an increasing large role, more and more people are using social media. I believe in authentic identity, just like name, it gives you a feeling of responsibility and reputation. If employer can find their employees from Linkedin, they can reduce expenses on recruit agencies. Continue reading →