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2014, Page 9

To pay or not to pay, that is the question

We’ve all gone through this, scouring pages after pages of websites for report worthy information. Most of us have been writing reports for years now, especially if you’re a university student. But imagine this, paying for those information instead of getting it for free with one report possibly costing you $10, even $20. Continue reading →

Should Online Materials be FREE ?

As technology advances, the use of traditional media to obtain information have dwindled over the years and replaced by online content. The Figure below shows the time people spend online  compared to traditional media. Source: (Digital vs Traditional Media Consumption Summary) From the perspective of education, one of the problem we students faced when looking for information online is e-books that requires purchase. Continue reading →

Open Access, Should You or Should You Not?

Ever encountered having to purchase an online article just for your research purposes on the Internet? Below is an example. Ever wonder what is the cause of this? Well, the answer is simple; you are not accessing an open access file. Wait, do you mean not everything on the internet is freely accessible? Yes, you got that right. According to Open Access Blog, Open Access is a free and immediate online availability of research articles (Open Access Button). Continue reading →

Hello Open Access! {Pros & Cons}

“Open Access is a growing international movement that uses the Internet to throw open the locked doors that once hid knowledge.”  Students like us are thankful for this movement. We are lucky to be in a learning environment where our schools provide us with databases of journals and articles for academic purposes. Continue reading →

Free Music? BOOOOOO!

Have you ever wondered how much information is stored online? The total amount of data stored on the Internet is…. 1 Yotta-byte Or  1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Bytes! (Factshunt, 2014) With such a large amount of information available online, should one allow open access for their materials online? I will be discussing about this in an educational context. Continue reading →


Today’s post would be different from my usual posts. Say Goodbye to lengthy wordy posts and say hello to videos! Click HERE to access the video/slideshow (Do keep the Autoplay on!) Cheers, Aetiiqcaz Photo, music and video credits: Photos: Music: YouTube, (2014). Continue reading →