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2014, Page 30

Topic 1 : Reflection

It has been an interesting learning experience so far reading my classmates’ posts and commenting on them ( @Simon’s blogĀ and @Xiu Zhen’s blog ). There are two posts that got me thinking about “Visitors” and “Residents” in business / marketing context. The first one was Vanessa’s post where she mentioned about being able to identify who are the “Visitors” and “Residents” of your target audience. Continue reading →

A beautiful ending for Topic 1

“Digital Residents” and “Digital Visitors”… The very first thought that came to my mind when I saw it on the study guide was “HUH? WHAT IS THAT?!” Something that used to be so alienĀ is now at my fingertips. Like what I’ve mentioned in my previous post, it is a little “revelation” I gained. It was interesting and I enjoyed reading on different perspectives on the topic through my course mates’ blogs. Continue reading →

Looking Back

I had a wonderful time reading through my classmates’ posts on Topic 1. All of them have their own interesting points to share, but there were a fewĀ notable ones that got me thinking, or rather, I couldn’t help but agree. Sara mentioned that Prensky’s concept is flawed due to the age biases. It got me thinking if it takes a certain level of understanding of the use of technology for both the young and old generations is vital in searching for information. Continue reading →


HAVE YOU ALREADY KNOW IF YOU ARE A RESIDENT OR A VISITOR? If you still do not know, I doubt you have yet to read my previous post. FRET NOT! I have more points to add on to what I have said previously. It’s not too late for you to understand it now! During the first post, I am convinced that I am a digital resident. However, after reading through some of my classmate’s blogs and the comments that I have gotten, it made me question if I am really a resident. Continue reading →

Reflection 1! – ‘Visitors’ & ‘Residents’

Hey there again! So after reading a couple of my course-mates blogs on their takes on David White’s digital ‘Visitors’ & ‘Residents’ typology, I realised that most of us put ourselves at somewhere in between Visitors and Residents depending on the motivation. Mostly people are Residents when they are dealing with personal accounts like social media, and at times become Visitors when they are doing research. Continue reading →


There’s a reason why we do things and learn in a group, this way we get new insights on topics and things we might never think about! I always end up smarter( just a little) after group discussions and looking at things from a different angle. After reading my friends’ blogs and question, here are some of the things I would have never gave a thought about. Continue reading →

What I have learnt from Topic 1

Thanks to the articles and blog posts by my classmates, I now have a good idea of what a digital ā€œnativeā€, ā€œimmigrantā€, ā€œvisitorā€ and ā€œresidentā€ mean. It is interesting also to note that most of us have different views. Some of us view digital visitors and residents as a whole, considering overall internet usage. Others, like Khai, view it individually and listed websites individually on whether he was a digital visit or or resident on them or not. Continue reading →

My Reflection Summary on Topic 1

After having a look at other peopleā€™s blogpost about Visitors and Residents, I believe all of us now are fully aware of the differences between visitors and residents. According to David White, he mention that the difference between visitors and residents is visitors do not leave any traces of existence on the Web but residents do (References ā€“ a). Another online article that I came across mentions that we could be residents in some spaces but only ā€˜short-livedā€™ (References ā€“ b). Continue reading →

Reflection Time!

This first topic has got me all hyped up as to what is coming on our way. I find the topic refreshing as it never really came across my mind as to who I am on the digital world and how important digital profiles are! My classmates’ postings has given meĀ uniqueĀ insights on this issue. Upon readingĀ Corrine’sĀ post,Ā I raised a question to her regarding how she measures the magnitude of presence on the web. Continue reading →