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2014, Page 29

“MOTIVATION IS WHAT MATTERS” – Reflective Summary – Response to Topic 1 Question

In my previous post, I mentioned that age, gender or generational divide is an inaccurate measure of online behaviour. I also touched briefly on White’s alternative concept Visitors versus Residents. Remember the diagram below? It is not always easy to identify who is in what category as the level of sophistication with which a Visitor might use any single service might well be greater than that of a Resident. Again, this is not a skill based distinction. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Reflective Summary

All the major in marketing students are participate in the Living and Working on the Web module. We are required to get to know the idea of digital visitors and digital residents, and writing down our own understanding supported by self online experiences. After reading my peers posts, I have gained a deeper understanding of web users’ behaviour. Initially, I thought “digital visitors” and “digital residents” are just different by their attitudes towards to the Internet. Continue reading →

My takeaway on Topic 1: Are you a digital visitor or resident?

Indeed, this question allowed me to put on my thinking cap given the fact that it’s been awhile ever since I write a blog post. Topic 1 has been a great learning experience by allowing me to understand the diverse opinions and views of my fellow classmates. After researching the topic and reviewing blogs from my classmates, I have come to the conclusion that majority of the people are not simply classified into the two categories “visitors” and “residents”. Continue reading →

Dear marketers and future employers…

The concept introduced by David S. White and Alison Le Cornu (2011), has sparked different views on how exactly it is defined as. Many of us embarked on the research of the concept and found some interesting pieces of information that were pretty insightful. I was able to relate some of the information that was posted by my course mates to our past modules such as HRM and Strategic Marketing Decisions. Continue reading →

Something new…

Following my earlier post on the characteristics of digital residents vs. digital visitors, I’ve received some interesting views from my peers. Also, I’ve read several other blog posts regarding the same topic and here’s what I learned: Uhhhh, I wish.   Reliance on The Internet and technology From the comments I’ve received, it is apparent that this is one of the main concerns. Continue reading →

Reflection: Digital Visitors & Digital Resident

Two words: Mind blown. I bet you are too. Before reading about Prensky’s and White’s theories about Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants, Digital Visitors and Digital Residents, I had no clue that we as digital users of the web are labelled as such. Subsequent research the topic and discussion with my peers has given me greater insight and understanding of the model to better reflect on where we stand in this digital space. Continue reading →

#Hangout4 summary and next steps

Here is the recording of today's Hangout on YouTube. I went through some initial feedback on your early posts and encouraged you to think about not just WHAT social networks you use, but HOW you use them and what for. The focus in this module is on developing your digital literacies in order to help both your learning and your employability as marketers in the digital age. Continue reading →