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2014, Page 27

Topic 2 : Online Identity, Privacy and Security

Credits: Online Identity, Privacy and Security An online identity is the sum of all your characteristics and online interactions ( For instance, my online identity is Elisha Pay and all the other interactions surrounding me. When you have multiple accounts of different identities on Facebook or other network sites, you are likely to be termed as having one or more online identities. Continue reading →


“IF YOU DON’T BRAND YOURSELF, GOOGLE WILL BRAND YOU.” - Sherry Beck Paprocki Have you ever tried to Google yourself and someone else with the same name appears? It is important that you control what information of yours is going to appear when someone Google your name. So, is it better to have just one online identity? Or multiple identities? Let us take a look at the pros and cons of having multiple online identities. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Online Identity

Question: Discuss the arguments for and against having more than one online identity. Does this page look familiar? If it does, then welcome to the hustle and bustle of the online world. Hit sign up to create your first online identity! Online identities have been defined as who you are and the amount or type of information you release in cyberspace. This can be done through a screen name, an online profile etc. Continue reading →

One or more online identities? Which Is more suitable for you!

It really depends. What are your personal interests? Are they aligned to what you are doing professionally? Should you keep your personal and professional identities completely separate online? I think there isn’t a definitive answer. It boils down to the individual.  How much you want a potential employer to be able to find out about you and how strong your desire for privacy is, are questions that will lead us closer to the answer we are looking for. Continue reading →

Multiple Online Identities | Good or Bad?

The term “Online Identity” refers to a broad spectrum of online behaviours that stretches from online transaction which requires your authentication of your identity (e.g. Internet banking), to our online persona that are made visible through selective acts of self-disclosure, such as writing a blog or sharing our Facebook profile. (Warburton, 2010) Multiple online identities allow one to effectively target their intended audience. Continue reading →

Split personalities?

Am I a famous online blogger? A famous Youtube personality? A famous Instagramer? Or perhaps all of them? Since the creation of internet, there are many platforms where people can create their own account, or persona, to comment and chat with others online. However, is there a hidden fundamental problem with having too many online identities? The good There are times when people wants to have a clear distinction between personal/private and professional accounts. Continue reading →

Online identity: One or more?

Most of us who live in a digital world have at least one online identity. Internet has became part of our life and we use the internet for various purposes such as for personal stuff or professional work, etc. I believe the need for people to have more than one online identity is due to privacy and security. Below is an interesting video which shows how easy it is for people to intrude into your privacy. However, I do not see it as a bad thing entirely. Continue reading →

Identity crisis in cyberspace

Image from Theguardian The growing importance of having an online persona is due to the rapid increase in social media. Just how real are we on the virtual world? What exactly is real and how do you know what’s real – that’s questionable. The veil that surrounds each individual is what makes it alluring, we do not know for sure what we see is who the person truly is. Continue reading →