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2014, Page 17

Reflection Section Collection!! (Topic 3)

Credits: via Fumaga #truestory We are all about to venture into Topic 4! But before that happens, it’s time to do yet another reflection! :) At the end of this topic, I still highly stand my ground that CONSISTENCY and AUTHENTICITY is key when it comes to creating a good profile. Employers prefer looking at profiles which have credibility and that are easy to identify with. Continue reading →

A Reflection On Authenticity

Photo Credits: via It has been a great learning experience reading posts on how to create an authentic digital profile and that has prompt me to log in to my inactive LinkedIn account that was created years ago. As i typed in the URL. pressed enter and tried to recall the password, i dread the amount of work i have to do to breathe life into this extremely lacking, empty and boring profile. I understood it is going to be a process and my first hurdle is authenticity. Continue reading →

A beautiful ending for Topic 3

I own an account on LinkedIn and I regard that as my one and only professional profile. Why? Because I believe only on LinkedIn does my profile portray me as being formal, presentable, and everything that I regard as being “professional”. Yanyi’s post touched on creativity which led me to wonder if my LinkedIn profile is creative. Seems not. It’s yet another boring profile among the 330 million profiles. There are different ways to present ourselves. Continue reading →

Extension for Topic 3: Developing an authentic Professional Online Profile

“Learning without reflection is a waste. Reflection without learning is dangerous” - Confucius This topic on developing an authentic professional online profile has generated interesting response amongst my peers and myself. It has been interesting to see the spread of discussion on how a professional online profile can be created. The most common assertion amongst my peers was that recruiters are now using social media to hire candidates. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflective Summary

After go through my peers posts, and discuss with them, I have to say it is fun to have social media around. Anyway, I get several points to summarize the whole topic. First, I talked about 47 percent of employers will check you out after receive your resume. 15 percent of chance they will check you inside out if they want to hire you. So, you see, you have to build a Linkedin profile professional and keep your twitter relatively under control. Continue reading →

Reflection: Personal Branding — your career insurance.

ResumĂ© from Giphy I am so glad to have read through my peer’s blog about developing an authentic digital profile, the tips given were very helpful! In my opinion, what defines an authentic online profile would be personal branding. Winnie commented that personal branding on social media platform can only do so much for us. Nobody can see us behind the computer screen, it’s easy for us to ‘talk the talk’ online. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflective Summary

Be authentic and consistent. This is what I have learnt after reading through most of my classmates’ post. I couldn’t agree more. I believe that by being authentic, you are able to listen to yourself, be aware of how far your strengths can take you and how you can play your weaknesses as a form of good flaw. Throughout the whole post, Ruhuan emphasise on being consistent when it comes to posing content that is in line with who you are. Continue reading →

Reflection 3! – Building an authentic, online profile

It has been interesting to learn from my peers how one can build an authentic online profile! Since I took an example of an online figure to explain the previous post, there are some interesting points from the rest that built the thinking further. Almost everyone agrees that online portfolio such as LinkedIn is necessary. Xiuzhen has pointed out extensively on the importance of such online platform that owning one has become more of a criteria to your employer rather than a bonus. Continue reading →

Hangout8: summary and next steps

Here's the recording of today's hangout. We discussed feedback on #topic2 - general comments are posted here on this blog and your individual feedback sheets have been updated. Remember that your final #topic3 posts should be published by the end of today, and #topic4 starts tomorrow. Your first #topic4 posts are due by the end of Friday, and comments/summaries by the end of Monday. Continue reading →