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2014, Page 10

Topic 5: Freely available content

Question: Explain the advantages and disadvantages to a content producer of making their materials freely available online. In Singapore, censorship is a heavily debated topic. Censorship review committee are formed every year to review films and adjust the rating of the movies or shows. (Teo, 2011) Hence it is common and understandable that content producers would prefer to move on to online platform whereby freedom of speech may seem to be in abundance and sharing is caring. Continue reading →

#Hangout10 summary and next steps

Here's the recording of today's hangout Today we discussed developing your twitter networks within and beyond the class. The diagram below (with thanks to Chris Phethean) shows tweet activity as at 8th December, and you can see that most of the interactions are with Olja or myself. It would be good to see this picture extended by the end of the week to include relevant local groups in Singapore, students on the UK version of the module, etc. Continue reading →

Nothing’s for free. Not true, OA IS FOR FREE!

 Photo Credits: Rebecca Ratcliffe via the guardian Can you imagine the amount of time and effort required to complete today’s post without Open Access (OA) to any information available online? I guess I just have to go to the library to get hard-copy books/newspapers that are relevant. How about you? A study found out that 90% of online content would likely be held behind a paywall in the coming years. Continue reading →

Open Access – Pros & Cons to the Content Providers?

“Yodel – Ay – EEE – Oooo” Howdy there again, readers! Before I move on to discuss the topic of the day, let’s do some nostalgic recount of your first encounter with the computer :) How did you first work around with your first desktop/laptop? How was your first encounter with the internet search engines? What kind of information did you look up to? Google or Yahoo search engines? Back then, I was really awed by how easy it was for me to gain information at... Continue reading →

Topic 5: Access to online materials

Open access to online materials for all – utopian dream or unstoppable force? Please read these notes and check out the links below, before preparing and posting your answer to the set question. This document should be regarded as just the start of the discussion, which is then developed over the next two days through the conversations themselves and sharing of further relevant links. Continue reading →

#Hangout10 summary and next steps

Here is the video of today's hangout. We discussed our feedback on your topic 3 posts (please see the "General Feedback" category for all our feedback posts). We reminded you of the #UOSM2033 posts from the UK group - as you are all now on topic 5 at the same time, you might like to try some cross-commenting and tweeting, as well as share some creative ideas. We invited volunteers to participate in Wednesday's hangout... Continue reading →

Topic 4 reflection

Photo credit: There seems to be a whole suite of ethical issues raised in educational or business context use of social media. In particular, some of the business uses of social media have raised questions regarding the use of solicited endorsements via social media platforms. Consumers clearly do not like to be kept in the dark, and companies need to be responsible in boldly declaring their true intentions behind some of these marketing tactics. Continue reading →

Is Empathy becoming extinct?

Honestly, I had some trouble trying to link ethics to a fairytale as everyone’s stand on ethics may differ. Until… I realised that I have been looking for the wrong person. Instead of the main characters, I should to look at the less-noticed characters. Familiar? I doubt so. He is Maurice, Belle’s father. Belle from Beauty and the Beast. In the story, Maurice was lost and making his way through the forest when he chanced upon Beast’s castle. Continue reading →

Topic 4: Ethical issues raised by educational OR business use of social media

Photo credit: MDO Partners There are many ethical issues raised by business use of social media these days. I would like to highlight two of the following: Solicited endorsements One ethical issue in the context of business use of social media is that of solicited endorsements. One example in case was products manufacturer Belkin, which, was caught for paying people to leave positive reviews on their products via Amazon (Arthur, 2014). Continue reading →