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Final Reflection Summary

This module provides us with solid foundation on developing our Professional Profile to ‘market’ ourselves to potential employer. My currently owned professional profile: Twitter: LinkedIn: Facebook: See the improvement in my Digital Literacy after this module. Continue reading →

Should Online Materials be FREE ?

As technology advances, the use of traditional media to obtain information have dwindled over the years and replaced by online content. The Figure below shows the time people spend online  compared to traditional media. Source: (Digital vs Traditional Media Consumption Summary) From the perspective of education, one of the problem we students faced when looking for information online is e-books that requires purchase. Continue reading →

Reflection on Topic 4: Ethics in Business using Social Media

This topic is relevant to us since we are becoming future marketers who are relying heavily on social media for marketing. It guides us the correct online behavior we should abide to prevent us getting into trouble. I would liken social media to be viruses that can spread rapidly in a very short time. My fellow peers have showed several examples of how people get sacked because of inappropriate posts. Continue reading →

Use Social Media responsibly – BE ETHICAL !!!

Hello Social Marketing, bye-bye traditional Marketing ! The use of social media in business have grew tremendously over the years with over 93% of marketers use them for business according to statistics by (Fast Company, 2013). Some of the advantages of social marketing are stated HERE The statistics below shows the impact social media has towards businesses. Source: http://www.slideshare. Continue reading →

Reflection on Topic 3 : Building an Authentic Professional Profile

This is by far the most interesting topic to date as i got to know people different opinions on what contributes to be authentic. Sara and charmaine pointed out self-branding as the KEY to market yourself to future employers and the need for social interaction with your target audience (future employer, clients, investor). Sara was right in saying we must be proactive in promoting ourselves. I shared a link with her which teaches on how to buildup network which I thought I can share HERE. Continue reading →

Reflective Summary: Topic 1

Prior to this module, i have no clue of what Digital Resident/Visitors meant. I realize how important technology plays a part in our lives regardless of age, background etc. It sets me thinking about which one i belongs to. I guess it is difficult to classify ourselves in either one. The interesting fact is that upon reading some of the posts by my fellow friends, most of them share the same sentiments. Continue reading →