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Topic 1: Digital Visitors and Residents

In my view, a digital visitor is someone who use the web for a specific purpose only when the need arises. Typically, their movement around the web are mostly revolved to activities that have a specific outcome or benefits for them (for e.g searching for information they want, perform a transaction, etc). As described by (White, 2008), a digital visitor logs on to perform a specific task and logs off. Continue reading →

Intro Post

Hello. My name is yi ming and i’m 22 and is a Taurus Baby. I am currently pursuing an Honours Degree in BSc Marketing at University of Southampton. Prior to that i am studying at Nanyang Polytechnic studying Diploma in Business Enterprise IT. The name of the course may imply is a business-related course but it is not. It consists of 30% business and 70% IT. My learning process in IT was a tough one and i guess that why i have decided to switch to a business related field instead. Continue reading →