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“Digital Visitors” and “Digital Residents”

Explain the concept of digital “visitors” and “residents” drawing upon your reading and your own online experiences to date in support of the points that you make. The concept of Digital “Residents” and Digital “Visitors” was developed in order to identify people in regards to their online presence as an improvement to replace the outdated concept of Prensky’s digital “Natives” and “Immigrants” that make assumption based on age. Continue reading →

Dare to Google.

So when was the last time you “Googled” your name? I just did. Curiosity hit me today as I wondered what will show up from the search when someone Google me up. The results turn out to be rather amusing and all I can say was my “first digital impression” did not turn out so well. Videos and photos which I uploaded years ago came back to haunt me. Continue reading →

The Soton Boy – Introduction

Behold Midgardian!!! With some help from Man of Iron, Thor is finally blogging. Who am I? My name is Wei Seong, friends call me by my surname Tor (which explains the joke). Here is how I look like, incase you were wondering.. like how I would usually wonder how other bloggers look like. I don’t think a picture really says who I am. So who am I? **Insert Drumroll** I am your typical guy that does paper chase like everyone else in Asia (BSc Digital Marketing). Continue reading →