Let’s get started!

When you first approach this online module, we understand it may be a bit overwhelming. Even more so as you have little time to get used to how everything works, on this intensive, 12 day version.

Check out this background information about the importance of digital literacy and a short video featuring Sarah and I discussing the topic.

The module overview indicates what we expect will be happening on which days, as well as the deadlines for blog posts: answers, comments and summaries. There is an indication of the word count for each type of post and the marking scheme breakdown included.

We’ve also created a Nine Steps to Getting Started diagram to help you get through the first steps when setting up, as there are things we will need from you before everything will work.

This is the important form for letting us know your blog url, twitter handle and gmail.

When your blog is set up, why not get it started by posting a short reflection on the results of your self-test?

By following these steps, we hope you will find the initial set up nice and easy. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions, send us a tweet or an email.

Lets get started!

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